Editor’s Note: Please note there is sexually graphic and mature language in this story. Please use discretion in reading, or allowing children to read, this article.

High school girls in Manitoba may soon be reading detailed instructions on lesbian sex acts as part of their normal sex education curriculum, after the provincial Ministry of Education accepted a manual emphasizing homosexuality as an optional resource for high school educators. The Little Black Book – A Book on Healthy Sexuality Written by Grrrls for Grrrls claims to be a youth-friendly guide to teenage sexuality, offering girls advice and information.

In reality, it reads like a guide to lesbian pornography, with section titles such as “My First Time F—— a Girl” and “How to Use a Dental Dam” (a “safe sex” device for oral/anal sex).

The guide contains dangerously inaccurate information on “safe sex” practices, assuring girls that using devices to reduce sexually transmitted infections offers reliable protection, without including warnings on the failure rates of such devices. The World Health Organization cautions that condoms, even when used properly, have a failure rate of up to 20 per cent, which is crucial information missing from the manual.

“This is one of the most irresponsible and obscene school documents that we have ever seen,” said Joseph Ben-Ami, executive director for the Institute for Canadian Values, in a press release. “Using this as a guide to healthy sexuality for teenage girls would be one of the most potentially harmful decisions that any school could make.” Ben-Ami called the book a “veiled propaganda piece,” saying it “undermines healthy parent-child relationships, substitutes voodoo myths for actual science and provides advice that, if followed, will certainly result in real and serious harm to those who follow it.”

The guide encourages girls to explore lesbian sexuality, making the unfounded claim that only 10 per cent of the population is heterosexual, with 80 percent being “mixed” or bi-sexual.

“The guide does not just endorse homosexual practice – it virtually promotes it and portrays those who object to such practices, particularly parents, as being homophobes, stating that, ‘A lot of parents are homophobic, and so are their children until they get minds of their own,” said Ben-Ami.

In one of the worst examples of biased and indefensible statements contained in the manual, the guide makes the out-of-context statement that if “you need someone to represent God the Holiness, then for me, it’s a fat black dyke.”
“What this statement has to do with healthy emotional and sexual development is beyond us,” Ben- Ami said.

Ben-Ami told LifeSiteNews.com the undertaking of such an extremely inappropriate project indicates a current serious problem with its developers. “What’s happened over the last couple of decades is that a lot of these groups, including groups that have very strong religious affiliation, have slowly and surely been taken over and co-opted by left wing, radical groups and their good name is now being used to advance a radical social agenda.”

The book is about to be released by the province of Manitoba, according to a Global Winnipeg news report from Sept. 6. Repeated calls to the Manitoba minister of education’s office, Peter Bjornson, for confirmation of the book’s acceptance by the ministry and for comment, were not returned.

The Institute for Canadian Values has just advised that the St. Stephen’s House website version of The Little Black Book has now been removed from public viewing and replaced with a notice indicating that the page does not exist. A Google cache only brings up a black table of the former page with all content missing. No explanation has been given on the St. Stephen’s website, although viewers may be misled to believe that the offending material does not exist. Ben-Ami states this development indicates the campaign against the book has been having an effect.

This story originally appeared Sept. 19 on LifeSiteNews.com and is reprinted with