Life Chain

Life Chain 2021

Since the very first Life Chain in 1987 in Yuba City, California, pro-lifers have gathered annually for one hour along roadways and at intersections to pray and hold signs with varying pro-life messages. The 2021 Life Chain took place at around 270 locations in Canada, with the majority of communities participating on Sunday, October 3. Campaign Life Coalition reported that this is [...]

2021-11-05T12:15:06-04:00November 5, 2021|Pro-Life|

Annual LifeChain demonstration bears fruit

Lifechain locations Across Canada HERE   Every year, when the beginning of October arrives, pro-life advocates of all ages look forward to LifeChain. The demonstration is typically held on the first Sunday of the month. Participants stand along sidewalks at designated public intersections, holding signs bearing messages such as “Abortion Kills Children,” “Abortion Hurts Women,” or “Adoption – the Loving Option.” LifeChain [...]

2014-09-08T08:35:31-04:00September 6, 2014|Activism, Announcements, Features, LifeChain, Society & Culture|
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