Even though the Department of National Revenue makes it quite clear to charitable groups that political lobbying is contrary to regulations, Planned Parenthood of Canada has once again placed an ad in national newspaper (The Globe and Mail. July 28, 1984) and ad which is an open admission that Planned Parenthood is a strong political lobby in Ottawa.
The ad instructs the reader to send “$5.00 (or more)” to “Let your candidate in the upcoming election know that you are a voter who believes that the government has a responsibility to ensure that birth control information and services are available to all Canadians who need and want them.”
The ad also states in large bold lettering that “We will speak up for you!”
They will deliver the message
At the bottom of this one-third full page ad is says that Planned Parenthood is a “Registered Charitable Organization” noting their charitable organization number to be 0367458-13-10. The ad copy goes on to inform the reader that for a donation ($5.00 or more requested) “A (tax) receipt will be issued.”
On May 12 of this year Planned Parenthood placed a very similar ad in the Globe which said “I am a voter who believes that the federal government has a responsibility to ensure that birth control information and services are available to all Canadians. It went on to say that Planned Parenthood would undertake to deliver the message to the Health Minister (at that time Monique Begin).
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion referral agency in Canada according to the government’s own commissioned study – The Badgley Report.
In this election period, candidates might be asked at least two questions with regard to Planned Parenthood.
Why is an abortion referral agency almost totally supported by federal tax dollars (six million over the past 12 years)?
Why is this legal charity permitted to publicly flaunt the breaking of regulations with regard to charitable organizations as stated by the Department of National Revenue?
Has a history of political activity
Planned Parenthood of Canada (Registered Charitable Organization Number 03674458-13-10) has a history of engaging in political activity. During the federal election of May, 1979, Planned Parenthood, together with the YWCA (which also charitable status and the Canadian Association for the Repeal of the Abortion Law (C.A.R.A.L.) issued a manifesto calling for abortion-on-demand. In it, they stated that they intended to “circulate enclosed material to all candidates in the national federal election.”
Those wishing to express their concern over the special privilege accorded to an agency that promotes the killing of small innocent Canadian children may write to:
Minster of National Revenue,
House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6