Michael Coren

Sun News Network, RIP

Michael Coren It seems a little late to be writing about the closure of the Sun News network. It was back in February – Friday the 13th of all dates actually – and it now seems very far away. It’s always the way with a major news event I suppose. Initially there is surprise but mingled with the shock is a [...]

2015-04-24T17:11:01-04:00April 24, 2015|Michael Coren|

Prayer too important to be mere lip service

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Whether we like it or not, there are no magic words that we have to utter but there are sacred deeds that we need to perform. Like it or not there are no crucial statements in life but there are essential actions for those who live it. I refer to the immensely holy tempest in [...]

2015-03-25T07:56:41-04:00March 25, 2015|Michael Coren|

Being pro-life means being against torture

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Supporting and fighting for life is a broad and deep ambition. It necessitates, surely, a love and defence for all life at all stages and for all people. Our opponents claim that we are single-issue obsessives; let us show them that they are totally wrong. Which is how I justify what is I suppose a [...]

2015-03-01T12:30:40-05:00February 27, 2015|Michael Coren|

Transgendered children? I think not

Michael Coren Journalist for Life I can’t pretend to understand transsexuals and those who believe they are born into the wrong gender but I don’t have the right to tell people how to behave and what to do with their own bodies once they reach the age of maturity, as long as they spend their own money on any surgery [...]

2015-01-11T17:54:40-05:00January 11, 2015|Michael Coren|

Christian compassion

With all of the talk about the deadly Ebola virus I have been reminded about how pro-lifers and Catholics in particular were treated when we dared to criticize conventional wisdom about how to deal with AIDS and HIV. We are condemned because many in the pro-life community highlighted the dangers of condom use in Africa in the attempt to prevent AIDS and [...]

2014-12-19T10:13:46-05:00December 15, 2014|Michael Coren, Pro-Life, Society & Culture|

Did Justin Trudeau get bad advice on abortion?

Michael Coren Journalist for Life I suppose we have to credit Justin Trudeau with determination: he is certainly sticking to his guns regarding the abortion issue, and has now said that a woman’s right to kill her unborn child is more important than the conscience rights of MPs when it comes to voting about abortion. He, of course, would never [...]

2014-10-22T11:28:52-04:00October 22, 2014|Michael Coren, Politics|

The intolerance of atheism

In the last edition of The Interim I wrote about the noted atheist and enemy of the pro-life movement A.C. Grayling. But if Grayling is a problem, Richard Dawkins is a horror. In April, 2010 he announced an initiative to have Pope Benedict XVI arrested when the Pontiff made an official visit to Britain later that year; the ostensible reason being his [...]

2014-09-15T10:35:58-04:00September 15, 2014|Announcements, Features, Michael Coren, Religion|

Atheism’s shades of Grayling

Michael Coren Journalist for Life There are many fronts launched against the pro-life movement and one of them comes from militant atheism. In actual fact the argument against abortion doesn’t necessarily have to have a Christian or religious foundation and atheists can certainly be pro-life. But the reality is that some of the most extreme supporters of abortion are also [...]

2014-08-26T07:48:45-04:00August 26, 2014|Michael Coren|

The endangered right to speak

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Recently on my television show The Arena on Sun News I interviewed David and Jason Benham, the two brothers who were about to begin their own show on HGTV entitled Flip It Forward. The network cancelled the idea after a website called Right Wing Watch revealed that the brothers were evangelicals and opposed same-sex “marriage” [...]

2014-07-30T07:21:10-04:00July 30, 2014|Michael Coren|

Justin’s authoritarian nonsense

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Author’s note: This is a slightly edited version of the monologue I delivered on my nightly television show, The Arena, on Sun News the day after Justin Trudeau’s decision to ban pro-lifers from running for the Liberal Party.  My friend Fr. Stefano Penna, a Yale philosophy Ph.D., is one of the most intelligent, thoughtful, and [...]

2014-06-16T10:25:57-04:00June 16, 2014|Michael Coren|

The sads

Michael Coren Journalist for Life The last few months have been an atheist’s and an abortion activist’s nightmare. Christmas came just a couple of weeks after Pope Francis was named Time’s Man of the Year, then a couple of movies about Jesus did extremely well, then Easter and now increasing numbers of young people newly awake to the iniquities of [...]

2014-05-30T16:30:33-04:00May 30, 2014|Michael Coren|

Children’s Aid horrors

Michael Coren Journalist for Life In early March you may have read something about the Lev Tahor sect in the newspapers or seen some of the coverage of this obscure Jewish ultra-orthodox group on television. Earlier in the year I interviewed two of the group’s leaders on my television show after they were accused of marrying the community’s children off [...]

2014-04-24T07:48:59-04:00April 24, 2014|Michael Coren, Society & Culture|

Assault against the family

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Gay marriage was introduced into Britain, and it’s now been the law of the land for a year. A morbid anniversary of failure, a far from happy birthday. The Church of England has been placed in an incredibly difficult position, particularly because the Archbishop of Canterbury is an evangelical and has long been opposed to [...]

2014-03-24T11:06:57-04:00March 24, 2014|Marriage and Family, Michael Coren|

A difference of opinion is not hate speech

Michael Coren Journalist for Life To an intelligent, open-minded person who sincerely believes in pluralism the entire Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty incident from December should have nothing at all to do with where one stands on gay issues or what one thinks of the man’s opinions, but whether we believe in freedom of speech or prefer intolerance, and censorship. Tragically, [...]

2014-02-19T08:58:47-05:00February 19, 2014|Michael Coren|

Consumerism produces a throwaway culture

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Not all pro-lifers are Catholics, but every Catholic worthy of the name should be pro-life. As such, what the Pope says and writes is extremely important for the pro-life community, and after Evangelii Gaudium or “The Joy of the Gospel,” was issued there was enough hysteria to fill a CBC show about the achievements of [...]

2014-01-30T10:34:25-05:00January 30, 2014|Michael Coren|
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