News Bits

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Toronto District School Board and Greater Essex School Board are admitting that the Ontario sex-ed curriculum may be contributing to lower student enrolment as parents look for educational alternatives for their children. The Toronto Star reported that the TDSB discovered that its November tally of students found 2,600 fewer children enrolled in its elementary schools than had been projected, with [...]

2016-01-25T08:40:24-05:00January 25, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Republican field features numerous pro-lifers

Donald Trump once supported abortion, now claims to be pro-life. A record number of major candidates entered the race to seek the Republican presidential nomination, many of whom hold pro-life views. The winner, who will face a gauntlet of caucus and primary elections from February through June and be named the party’s standard-bearer at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, [...]

2016-01-18T08:09:51-05:00January 15, 2016|Announcements, Election Briefs, Features, Issues, Politics|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Quebec Health Minister Gaetan Barrette said families of caregivers will be given $1000 to help look after dying relatives saying he hopes to see the percentage of Quebecers with chronic diseases who die at home increase from 11 per cent to 20. “We will never see a situation where everybody will end their lives at home,” he said announcing $10 million [...]

2015-12-23T08:09:16-05:00December 23, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Winnipeg Free Press reported that Dying with Dignity, a euthanasia advocacy group, is pressuring the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba to require doctors to refer patients for euthanasia. The College is seeking input concerning guidelines for euthanasia in the province, but Dying with Dignity is upset that the Manitoba College is not requiring doctors to refer patients for [...]

2015-12-01T19:30:14-05:00November 30, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Sean Murphy, the administrator of the Conscience Protection Project, said in column in the National Post that the Canadian Medical Association, which was scheduled to debate the physician’s role in euthanasia and assisted suicide at their annual meeting in Halifax in late August, has taken a position that imperils the conscience rights of doctors: “By accepting the morally contested obligation to [...]

2015-09-28T09:44:59-04:00September 28, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

CanadaA Winnipeg girl, 13, was impregnated twice by her stepfather, according to court documents, and both pregnancies ended in abortion. Carol Scurfield, a doctor at the Women’s Health Clinic, one of the two facilities that do abortions in Winnipeg but did not give this girl an abortion, said, “If a 12-year-old is pregnant, it raises red flags that health providers should be [...]

2015-08-31T08:22:30-04:00August 28, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada M-590, the non-binding motion put forward by Conservative MP Ed Komarnicki (Souris – Moose Mountain) stated, in full, “in the opinion of the House, all Members of Parliament should be allowed to vote freely on all matters of conscience.” It passed 273-1, with the lone vote against cast by Government Whip Gordon O’Connor (Carleton – Mississippi Mills). During the debate on [...]

2015-07-27T18:21:13-04:00July 27, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Ryerson Student Union unanimously rejected an application by Students for Life for club accreditation. Students for Life said they were informed that the RSU is against groups that “promote misogynist views toward women and ideologies that promote gender-inequity.” RSU president-elect Cormac McGee told The Ryersonian that the club could be accredited if it met certain unnamed conditions ... The Parole [...]

2015-04-24T17:19:38-04:00April 23, 2015|Bits n' Pieces, Sex Education|

Bits & Pieces

Canada During the Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership debate in London, Monte McNaughton repeatedly brought up the issue of parental rights in education, referring to “parents as first educators.” Christine Elliott stressed the party should be “fiscally conservative and socially compassionate” ... Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne announced that Ontario would enforce tough new federal strictures against prostitution after musing that the province would [...]

2015-03-01T12:36:14-05:00February 27, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Bill C-36, the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act, the government’s anti-prostitution bill that outlaws the buying of sex rather than focus on the selling of sexual services, passed the Senate and awaits approval from the Supreme Court of Canada. The bill passed “on division” meaning senators agreed that the majority of the Senate supported it, although there was no [...]

2014-12-30T20:12:31-05:00December 30, 2014|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Liberal leader Justin Trudeau told the CBC that Prince Edward Island should start doing abortions. He urged Islanders to ask whether “the Canada Health Act is being respected and that Canadians have the opportunity to make choices about their own reproductive health.” The CHA does not require that abortions be paid for or carried out in any province. Health Minister Doug [...]

2014-11-27T09:37:35-05:00November 27, 2014|Bits n' Pieces, Issues|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Globe and Mail reports that the federal government will “fast track” Bill C-36, their proposed law to rein in the sex trade in response to the Supreme Court of Canada throwing out the existing Criminal Code restrictions on prostitution last December. The government is seeking to penalize the purchasers of sex rather than the sellers, based on the “Nordic Model” [...]

2014-10-29T08:54:14-04:00October 29, 2014|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Alberta Progressive Conservatives will have their leadership election during two rounds of voting on Sept. 6 and, if no one wins a majority, Sept. 20. Former MP Jim Prentice, who is socially liberal, leads in the polls. Former provincial cabinet ministers Thomas Lukaszuk and Ric McIver are also running. McIver has a pro-family history as city councillor and MLA but [...]

2014-09-29T09:14:45-04:00September 29, 2014|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Artur Pawlowski, leader of the non-denominational Street Church in Calgary, said MLA and former Alberta cabinet minister Ric McIver “is still the best choice of Albertans” in the provincial Progressive Conservative leadership race. McIver was condemned for participating in the March for Jesus organized by the Street Church because the church criticizes homosexuality. Pawlowski said McIver’s rivals are not pro-family. Of [...]

2014-08-29T08:54:34-04:00August 29, 2014|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Jodie Emery, an advocate of the legalization of marijuana and wife of Marc Emery, who is serving a U.S. sentence for distributing marijuana through the mail, confirmed she has been approached by the Liberal Party of Canada to be their candidate in Vancouver East to face NDP MP Libby Davies. Emery said her candidacy “would basically be to say, ‘the Liberals [...]

2014-08-01T11:12:29-04:00July 31, 2014|Bits n' Pieces|
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