Among the latest Hollywood film offerings is Kinsey – a sanitized, celebratory biography of sexologist Alfred Kinsey, starring Liam Neeson in the title role. This film is another attempt to whitewash the career of this “research scientist,” who in actual fact, was a notorious sexual deviant skewing research data to promote a perverse agenda.
While Hollywood celebrates Kinsey’s life, Dr Judith Reisman, author of Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, has spent years exposing him for who he really was – a fraudulent scientist obsessed with adultery, homosexuality, sado-masochism, and compulsive self-abuse of the most horrific kind. Some of the things Kinsey did to himself, as revealed in the generally flattering and sympathetic James H. Jones 1997 biography, Alfred Kinsey: A Public/Private Life, are best not described in this publication.
Alfred C. Kinsey was born in Hoboken, New Jersey on June 23, 1894. His parents, while being practising Christians, seem to have lacked in love and were domineering and sexually repressed. Growing up, Kinsey realized he was homosexually inclined and revelled in his activities in the Boy Scouts and other like organizations, since this gave him close proximity to other boys and men.
In 1916, following graduation from Bowdoin College, Kinsey accepted a two-year fellowship at Harvard University to pursue a doctoral thesis on the Gall Wasp. He held teaching appointments in both botany and zoology at Harvard, before becoming assistant professor of zoology at Indiana University. By 1929, he was made a full professor there. While both a student and a professor, Kinsey would often use field trips as a way to meet men with whom he could indulge in homosexual activity.
Although predominantly a homosexual in 1921, Kinsey married Clara McMillen, one of his students. It was probably the result of a need to be seen as a normal, happily married college professor, as much as finally finding true love.
While a professor at Indiana University, Kinsey was requested to teach a marriage and family course. This eventually led to the establishment of a research group and facility funded in large part by the Rockefeller Foundation.
In Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, Reisman shows the Kinsey studies to be empirically worthless. She shows that at least 86 per cent of Kinsey’s male interviewees were sexual deviants, and many of them convicted sex offenders. He left out nearly 25 per cent of his female interviewees, since the data collected did not forward his agenda. His interviews completely neglected married, monogamous, heterosexual couples and people with religious views. His research was overwhelmingly stacked with homosexuals, pedophiles, and other degenerates.
Trolling through homosexual bars and nightclubs, Kinsey sought out subjects for his research, drawing disproportionately from those participating in sexual perversions and other criminal acts.
He also practised what he “researched,” and hence, in the eyes of his more detached colleagues, unscrupulously violated the high standards of objectivity that are the prerequisite of effective science. He encouraged wife-swapping among the staff of his institute, even made his own spouse have sexual relations with other researchers and filmed the encounters. Kinsey insisted that acquaintances keep detailed sex calendars describing the origin and intensity of their orgasms. He even, in the case of a mildly homophobic interviewer he employed, summoned the man to his hotel room in order to provide him with a first-hand demonstration of gay sex with another colleague.
Of course, given Kinsey’s own perversions, one should not be surprised at his results. Says Reisman, “Kinsey was no scientist; he was a pervert with a PhD who slam-dunked his amoral agenda on the world under the guise of science, funded by the American taxpayer and the likes of The Rockefeller Foundation. Those acts were then portrayed by Kinsey as both commonplace and natural.”
Kinsey’s mission, writes biographer Jones “was to free America from Victorian ‘repression.'”
But his wider goal was an amoral new order – possible only if human life is removed from the divine.
Kinsey, like Margaret Sanger and other population planners of the early 20th century, was a eugenicist who eschewed biblical standards of morality. According to one Kinsey associate: “Kinsey knew a great deal about the Judeo-Christian tradition and he was indignant about (what he perceived) it had done to our culture.”
In 1948, Kinsey published Sexuality in the Human Male. Sexuality in the Human Female followed in 1953. With a publicity campaign funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the reports made newspaper headlines across the country. Kinsey was featured in a Time magazine cover story that portrayed him as “a noble man who was a scientist … a family man,”
Reisman says, “It was a Madison Avenue campaign to normalize Kinsey’s view of sexuality. That view – including the claim that ‘children are sexual from birth’ – had a major impact, because Kinsey was depicted as a scientist at a time when the nation was really enamoured with science and scientists.”
The first Kinsey Report was issued at a time when rates of divorce and unwed births were low, and most people considered sex outside marriage immoral.
Kinsey shocked the country by claiming that 95 per cent of American men were engaged in some form of illegal sexual conduct, that most married people had had premarital sex, that the majority of men went to prostitutes, that homosexuality was common and that adultery was common.
“Kinsey’s claim that Americans were ‘all hypocrites about sex’ was accepted,” Reisman says, “because Kinsey – whose original field of expertise was the study of insects – was seen as an ‘objective scientist.'”
The idea that children are sexual from birth is probably the most damaging one bought forth by Kinsey. Other prominent sexologists, mainly from Europe, had, through the early part of the 20th century onward, been pushing an agenda that would lead to the acceptance of pedophilia.
Kinsey’s research was used to persuade courts and legislatures to change or abolish laws against extramarital sex, and child sexual abuse. Kinsey’s research also formed the basis of modern sex education, which he considered “one of the most important aspects of his work,” Reisman says.
“Kinsey insisted that children should engage in sex joyfully. Today, we now have graphic, really obscene material in the classroom. These are given to children under the umbrella of sex education, or it’s taught as health, or family life education, or AIDS prevention.”
James Jones reports that Kinsey died believing that his crusade to promote more enlightened sexual attitudes had not succeeded. Yet in 1957, a year after Kinsey’s death, the Supreme Court in Roth v. U.S., relaxed the once-protective American legal definition of obscenity. In 1961, Illinois became the first state to repeal its sodomy statute, and today, less than half of the states retain sodomy statutes. In 1973, Dr. Mary Calderon, a leading Kinseyan, was cited in the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. Since Roe, a staggering 34 million babies have been aborted. Also in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of psychopathologies, and in 1995, pedophilia was removed. Today, Kinsey’s fingerprints are all over the current literature of law, medicine and the social sciences.
In 1997, English Television’s Channel Four aired Kinsey’s Pedophiles, a documentary by Tim Tate. The hour-long film identified “Mr. X” – a pedophile whose accounts of over 800 sexual “contacts” with children were used in the Kinsey Reports – as a federal Forestry Service employee named Rex King.
Tate interviewed Reisman and Kinsey Institute officials for the British documentary. It also detailed Kinsey’s use of reports by a Nazi officer who sexually abused children in occupied Poland during World War II.
Tate says he is “disappointed” his Kinsey documentary hasn’t been shown in the United States yet.
“It strikes me that there must be a number of people who are adults now who were victims of Rex King, who have no idea what was done with the information.”
King’s reports were “used by Kinsey … to suggest that children can enjoy their abuse,” Tate says. “Unless that film is shown (in the United States), those adults won’t know. I think they have a right to know.” Despite her evidence, Reisman says American scientists have “steadfastly refused” to admit that the famous Kinsey Reports were fundamentally flawed – using unrepresentative samples and invalid methodology, and even accepting “data” on children reported by habitual child molesters including Rex King, who after a lengthy “career” was apprehended. When asked by authorities why he kept such detailed notes on his molestations, King replied: “Because Kinsey told me to.”
Reisman has been trying to find out what happened to the children who were molested for Kinsey’s data, but the Kinsey Institute apparently did not follow up on them.
“I think Kinsey was dramatically driven by his own sexual perversions,” Reisman says.
Instead of denouncing Kinsey, who died in 1956 of heart failure exacerbated by his sexual self-abuse, American sex researchers have turned on Reisman. She “has been vilified from coast to coast,” according to the National Review.
Kinsey was a vital agent in the transformation of America. The Russian, German and French revolutions were all preceded by an embrace of sexual anarchy. In such revolutionary models, marriage is undermined first, then the family, followed by private property and governments. Kinsey facilitated, with the fraudulent data of his “studies,” the abandonment of absolutes in the “social or juridical reasoning” of America’s “Judeo-Christian moral system.”
In 1955, the Model Penal Code was completed under the auspices of the Carnegie- and Rockefeller-funded American Law Institute (ALI), the educational arm of the American Bar Association. This “model” was then submitted to state legislatures for their consideration, with plenty of authoritative support for its implementation provided by Kinsey’s flawed scientific analysis. Adoption of the Model Penal Code eliminated and/or trivialized prior sex offences, eventually aiding the reduction of penalties for abortion, rape, wife and child battery, desertion, seduction, adultery, prostitution, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, soliciting, sodomy, public sexual exhibitions, “unfit” parentage, alienation of affection, and obscenity, as well as infanticide, premeditated AIDS/STD transmission, etc.
While Hollywood idolizes Kinsey, Reisman and others toil to open the eyes of the public to the fraud. Perhaps the resistance to investigating Kinsey’s atrocities stems from a fear of the consequences: to repudiate the Kinsey studies now would require a reversal of many cherished mantras accepted and worshipped by the academic, scientific and legal communities.
The damage wrought by the Kinsey reports has been staggering. Many Americans complain why rapists and child molesters often receive light sentences. Answer: Kinsey.