“Fr. Colleton was one of us at Campaign Life Coalition. He attended our strategy meetings, helped us plan strategies, and carried them out even to the point of locking the gate at Morgentaler’s abortuary and going to the jail for the unborn. He was an inspiration to all of us by his courage and his conviction. He was a remarkable speaker. He was able to move everyone through his tremendous gift of speaking. He was first and foremost a priest.”

Mary Ellen Douglas
National organizer, Campaign Life Coalition

“He was totally dedicated to the cause. I would say he was a person who gave his life for human life. He was outspoken in kindness and gentleness.”

Mary Van Veen
Former president, Woodstock Right to Life

“He was a shining example of what a priest is all about. He was a holy man and he was not afraid to tell the truth. He did it in a very forceful, but in a very charitable way.”

Fr. Louis Di Rocco
Pastor, Sacred Heart parish in Marmora, Ont.,
and former CLC employee

“He kept the pro-life movement very alive and an issue in front of our Catholic people … He is notable for his dedication to the cause of the unborn child.”

Monsignor Ambrose Sheehy
Pastor, Blessed Trinity parish, Toronto

“He was such an inspirational figure. His contributions would be too numerous to list.”

Joanne McGarry
Executive director, Catholic Civil Rights League

“I was saddened to hear of the passing of Father. He was a great spirit of inspiration to me throughout my political career and he was also an inspiration to many in the pro-life movement as I witnessed personally. May he rest in peace.”

Tom Wappel
Former Liberal MP Scarborough Southwest

“One of the most outstanding and endearing qualities of the greatest priest since the Cure of Ars, Fr. Ted Colleton, was his ability to make you feel you have been his friend for life. Fr. Ted was the most comfortable priest I have ever been around. And his Irish wit was second to none. I remember a roast of Jim Hughes when Fr. Ted took the floor. He knew every Irish joke ever invented, and applied every one to Jim, which got us all laughing so hard it was difficult to breath. Some almost passed out for lack of air. Father was well read and knowledgeable on so many subjects that you could listen to him for hours. But best of all Fr. Ted was a holy man with a huge heart that matched his height.”

Joe Scheidler

National director, Pro-Life Action League USA

“Among the many who Fr. Ted inspired are his brother priests. All of as at Priest for Life thank God for his example, which will live on for many decades.”

Fr. Frank Pavone

National director, Priests for Life USA

“Fr. Ted was internationally known. He was somebody who all of us looked up to and respected immensely.”

Dr. Jack Willke
President, International Right to Life Federation

“In the winter of 1989, we were arrested with so many others blockading the Morgentaler abortuary. We were packed into the jail cells and after Fr. Ted entertained us with stories and prayers – and of course the Rosary- he got ready for a nap. I expressed my incredulity but he said. “Tom, we are in a long war. You are going to have to keep up your strength!” and dozed right off. And you know,  he was right! Fr. Ted was a founding member of the Priests for Life Canada board and mentored, encouraged and supported me and countless others. We will still count on his prayers.”

Fr. Tom Lynch
National Director
Priests for Life (Canada)