The following is a sampling of opinion and comments from participants in the 25th annual March for Life rally in Washington, D.C.

The rally, marking the disastrous Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion on demand in the United States, attracted 200,000 people.

The comments shown below are taken from press reports in newspapers and from an Interim contributor who attended the Jan. 22 rally.

“More and more people young people are having abortions. Sometimes they act like it’s nothing at all. We need to let them know that it’s not right.”
— Joselyn Joseph, 17, New York City

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“If people aren’t mature enough to take responsibility for their acts, they shouldn’t be having sex.”
— Chris Fuerstenberg, 21, Iowa

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“It’s a joyous day for me, but there’s an awful lot of people that should have been born, and I can’t help but think of those little children. For 25 years, we’ve snuffed out human life in this country. That’s 35 million Americans that should have been born.”
— Steve Chabot, Congressman, Ohio

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“(Mr. Clinton and Al Gore) should have the courage, compassion and intellectual honesty to get off the death ship and join the crusade for life. Like the Titanic, the pro-abortionists are going down.”
— Chris Smith, Congressman, New Jersey

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“A person is a person, no matter how small he or she may be.”
— Laslo Eper, Wilmington, Delaware