At noon on July 30, in the back lane of Morgentaler’s Toronto abortuary, father Ted Colleton led a group of witnesses for life in the recitation of four decades of the rosary.  At the end of the fourth decade, Father went to the back steps of the abortuary to recite the fifth decade and was charged with trespassing.

While Father was kneeling and praying on the steps, Bill Shane (the abortuary guard) came out and told him he was under arrest.  The police were called over and Father was charged with trespassing.  When told he could pay the fine, Father Ted, who has not paid any previous fines, pointed to a nearby pole and told the officer: “See that pole, you can hang me from it before I will pay any fine.”

We have now reached the stage where priests are getting arrested for praying, while illegal abortionists are lauded by the media for killing the innocent unborn.  Father Ted encourages anybody who feels called to emulate his actions to come forward and get arrested while praying.