But the new “cool” violence-presented as killing in the name of compassion, and referred to as “concern for the dying” seems to have had a different effect on the public, particularly when it is practiced under “impeccable auspices.” For example: Doctors at the Yale-New haven Hospital in the United States and Doctors at the Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto have allowed retarded infants to die by withholding food and medical assistance. This was premeditated killing of the innocent “unwanted” who were left to endure a painful death.
“I myself have euthanized many people away,” claims Dr. Beadnell (Chicago SunTimes, 1972). Dr. Beadnell is a former director of the Family Planning Clinic at Queen Victoria Hospital and secretary of the Victorian Humanist Society. Commenting on allowing the defective newborn to die by refraining from clearing mucus from their breathing passage he said, “This is a natural, lawful and ethical way of providing an easy death.”
Doctors who are already practicing euthanasia tend to hit the headline when they come out of the closet and promote death as a valid option in health care. They leave a confused public in their wake.
In 1950 the World Medical Association, meeting in Copenhagen, recommended to all medical associations that they condemn euthanasia and stated its belief that this practice is contrary to medical ethics and also contrary to the public interest and to natural and civil rights.