Right to Die Society of Canada founder Hofsess admitted in an article published after taking his own life in Switzerland that he killed eight Canadians including the poet Al Purdy.
Canadian right-to-die activist John Hofsess, who was euthanized in a Swiss clinic on Feb. 29 at age 78, confessed posthumously in an article published by Toronto Life that he killed eight people, including poet Al Purdy. “I went from advocating for assisted suicides to facilitating them,” wrote Hofsess, a onetime Victoria-based writer. “Let’s not mince words: I killed people who wanted to die.”
“He’s really a mass killer,” said Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. “This is a man who should have been charged and obviously wasn’t charged because no one knew about it.”
Hofsess himself admitted that “under current Canadian law, there’s no apparent difference between me and killers such as Robert Pickton, Paul Bernardo and Clifford Olson.”
Hofsess told Purdy, whom he killed on April 21, 2000, that he was thinking of turning himself in after the poet was dead and thereby launching a trial that could lead to law reform.
But Purdy’s wife didn’t want the controversy of a police investigation and attendant “media frenzy,” Hofsess wrote, and he knew he could be convicted of first-degree murder, which carries a mandatory life sentence, or of assisted suicide, which carries a maximum 14-year sentence. Ultimately, Purdy advised Hofsess to keep mum, and Hofsess himself agreed it would be better if he were at large and thus free to kill more people, something he regarded as an “essential service.”
But the founder of the Right to Die Society of Canada stopped after killing eight people, when his claimed accomplice Evelyn Martens was arrested in 2002 and charged with two counts of assisted suicide in relation to the deaths of two women, which Hofsess stated he didn’t know anything about.
Martens was acquitted in 2004, but “the authorities’ awareness made it impossible to revive our assisted death service,” wrote Hofsess. “Since then, many Canadians have suffered greatly, trying to have a meaningful choice in dying.”
In June 2016, the Supreme Court’s February 2015 Carter decision, which struck down the Criminal Code prohibition against assisted suicide and euthanasia, will come into effect. Perhaps that is why Toronto Life decided to publish Hofsess’s posthumous apologia for killing eight people, along with details on how he did it. Had Hofsess published his confession while alive, he wrote, he “could be arrested and charged with crimes ranging from assisted suicide to first-degree murder.”
Not only did Toronto Life publish Hofsess’s article after he was euthanized, but it also published a similar piece describing the septuagenarian’s death in Switzerland, written by the president of the Population Institute of Canada, Madeline Weld.
Weld’s article includes the detail that Hofsess, who had an “unstable heart” and had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and pulmonary fibrosis, “insisted that cost was one of the reasons he wanted to die. He did not have the means to support himself and did not want to be a burden on taxpayers.”
Another detail was that Hofsess “startled” Weld by “emitting a few loud, dry sobs” after the IV to release lethal drugs into his bloodstream, and which he controlled with a valve, had been inserted into his arm, and the Swiss doctor asked him if he wanted to die.
Toronto Life editor Sarah Fulford and publisher Ken Hunt did not return calls from LifeSiteNews, so their reasons for publishing Hofsess’s posthumous confession, and the account of his last hours, remain open to speculation.
Toronto Life is published by St. Joseph’s Media, a division of St. Joseph’s Communication, whose CEO, Tony Gagliano (who is also chair of the board of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation), told LifeSiteNews that “the media company is run on a basis of editorial independence and is run by Doug Knight.”
“We have complete editorial independence, as all first-rate journalistic organizations do, always have had. All publications within this company, St. Joseph’s Media, have editorial independence, period, over,” said Knight in a telephone call. “We are a first-rate organization. Toronto Life has won more editorial awards than any magazine in the history of Canada.”
“It’s not journalistic excellence,” countered Schadenberg, “because they didn’t even recognize in their article that there are people who are suicidal.” Schadenberg pointed to Australia, which follows the United Nations recommendations on publishing articles on euthanasia and assisted suicide: “if someone is suicidal, you always publish information for suicide prevention along with the article.” That U.N. protocol was issued “to protect people who are going through a terribly difficult time in order to ensure that there is no abuse going on in that sense,” Schadenberg told LifeSiteNews.
A longer version of this article appeared March 11 at LifeSiteNews and is reprinted with permission.