Mexico.  In 1985, Alan Riding wrote ‘Distant Neighbours: A Portrait of the Mexicans.  According to him, “140,000 Mexican women die yearly from illegal abortions, “a claim presented without documentation.


United Nations statistics and the World Health Organization [WHO] tell a different story.  Both sources report that the total number of deaths of Mexican women aged 15-44, from all causes is only 20,000 a year. [WHO Statistics Annual, 1989, p204; UN Demographic Yearbook 1988, pg 438-9]


India. Jodi Jacobson, a staff reporter for the population control organization Worldwatch Institute in Washington claims in Worldwatch Paper 97 [July 1990] that an Indian study “estimates that half a million woman die annually in that country alone due to complications of illegal abortions.”



When one traces Jacobson’s claim back to its ultimate origins, one arrives at a newspaper story “as reported in the London Guardian, February 17th 1982.”  That newspaper clipping actually stated that “more than 660,000 women die during illegal abortions in India every year.”

Because India does not complete full death statistics, one cannot appear to U.N. or WHO statistics.  But please consult the pro-abortion propagandists themselves and compare it to their oft repeated claim that all maternal deaths

From illegal abortions worldwide run from 100,000 to 200,000 a year.

Most interesting of all, in an earlier report [Worldwatch paper 80, Dec, 1987] Jodi Jacobson herself states; “Estimates of the annual member of deaths due to abortion complications range from 155,000 to 204,000 women worldwide” And that could include legal abortions.

Source:  James Miller, HLI /Report, June 1991