The Fast for Life, on Parliament Hill that Fr. Tony Van Hee of Guelph and Kurt Gayle of Toronto began September 27 continues.

Each day from morning to night in any kind of weather, the fasters and their supporters are in place directly opposite the members’ door to the House of Commons.  The position is ideal.  MP’s entering or leaving the House cannot avoid them.

A veteran pro-life activist, Joe Bissonnette of Toronto joined the fasters October 2nd.  Bissonnette assumed the position of fast co-coordinator, effectively ensuring that all who participate temporarily in the fast have an appointment to see their Member of Parliament.  Afterward, Bissonnette debriefs the visitors regarding their MP’s view on abortion.

Serious illness in Kurt Gayle’s family forced him to return to Toronto October 21.

On October 27 the R.C.M.P. – acting on orders from higher up – attempted to relocate the group.  After an hours standoff, during which the fasters said they would move only if arrested and MPs came forward with offers of help, did the RCMP allow them to stay.