Talking about vaccines, does anyone recall the horrors of the Mexico and Philippine anti-tetanus vaccine campaigns?
In October of 1994 Human Life International received a report from its Mexican branch “Comite Pro Vida di Mexico” on the anti-tetanus vaccine. About the same time, similar reports came from the Philippines via Sister Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS, of Pro-Life Philippines, where 3.4 million women were vaccinated.
The groups were concerned with the strange implementation of the vaccination program. Only women of childbearing age (12-49) were vaccinated. (When were man and children declared immune to tetanus?) The vaccination protocols called for multiple injections—even though one injection lasts for 10 years; and it was promoted by the World Health Organization and UNICEF—organizations well known to foster population control ideology.
The pro-life groups were savvy enough to acquire vials of the vaccine and subject them to analysis. Beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) was discovered in samples of the vaccine, along with the regular anti-tetanus toxoid which should be there.
The hCG was not part of the formula for the vaccine. In fact, hCG is a naturally occurring chemical which a woman’s body produces when pregnant which prepares the uterine lining for the implementation of the fertilized egg. However, when hCG is introduced into the body along with a tetanus toxoid carrier, as was the case in many vials of the vaccine, the body forms antibodies against both tetanus and hCG.
The dreadful truth is that anti-hCG antibodies built up in a woman’s system will attack the woman’s own production of hCG during pregnancy, thus hampering the ability of the uterine lining to receive the recently conceived child and rendering the woman’s body incapable of maintaining the pregnancy.
In reaction to the accusation of foul play both governments initially denied the reports until tests of various vials of the vaccine under government supervision also detected the presence of beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The next tactic was to deny that the miniscule amounts of hCG would have the effect of producing anti-hCG antibodies in the women.
This new denial tactic was clearly refuted when the women who had been subjected to the vaccine were tested for anti-hCG antibodies. Professor Hermela Pagayanan of the University of the Philippines discovered high levels of anti-beta hCG in the blood serum of 26 of 30 women who received the tetanus toxoid vaccine.
“This means their blood had built up antibodies against pregnancy. The women we tested ha miscarriages, stillbirth or premature births,” said Sister Mary Pilar Verzosa.