Dr. Curt Freed seems to have a highly personal set of ethics.  In 1988, he told the annual meeting of the American Society for Neuroscience that he had ignored a U.S. moratorium and implanted brain cells from aborted fetuses into the brain of a patient.  (Miscarried babies can’t be used: they may have some generic defect).  Today he is undeterred by the fact that his experimental procedure carries a rist of stroke and paralysis.

Dr. Alan Fine of Dalhousie University’s Medical School in Halifax, is the Principal Investigated of the Human Fetal Tissue Transplant Program at nearby Victoria General Hospital, which aborts well over 1500 Atlantic Canadians each year.

Meantime, research on more conventional treatments is promising.

The American paper, The National Catholic Register reported (Dec. 3, 1989) that the National Institute if Neurological and Communicative diseases had sponsored a nation wide clinical trial of a new drug, deprenyl.  It was found to delay the onset of Parkinson’s disease so successfully that the study was stopped and all its subjects given the drug.