Vita Pro-Life Rally and Vigil:
Date: Sunday, Sept 25, 1983
Place: Rally at Newlands Pavilion (next to Murney Tower-King St.) Vigil at KGH (1 hour silent vigil of mourning)

Guest Speaker: Rev. Father Ted Colleton

Time: Rally – 2pm until 3pm
Vigil – 3pm until 4pm

The Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Kingston General Hospital’s Annual Meeting in June 1983 also stated publicly that, “they are not concerned about the Hospital’s position.” He also said that they are not interested in the concerns expressed by the hundreds of people who demonstrated against the abortion policy. We, therefore, feel it is imperative that as many people as possible come out this year to show their dismay at the deaths of more than 700 unborn babies each year.

Statistics from the Kingston General Therapeutic Abortion Committee Report for 1981. (last published report)

Committee Review:
Applications received: 708
Approvals: 703
Deferred, resubmitted & approved: 5


Medical complications: 14
Obs/fetal complications: 8
Psychiatric – chronic: 11
– acute: 2
mental health & psycho-social: 673

Total: 708

Consult Pattern:

Family physician: 518
Specialist: 190

Repeat Abortions:

Second: 62
Third: 6
Fourth: 1

(Repeat abortions have gone from 2% in 1971 to 10% in 1983)

Mean Age:

1971 until 1981: 22 yrs.

We have asked our Mayor, Mr. John Gerretsen to declare the week of Sept. 17th to the 25th as “Respect for Life Week,” in Kingston. Plans are underway for a week of events to promote respect for life including a Mall display by several pro-life groups ending with the Rally and Vigil on Sunday, Sept. 25th. We also hope to include a petition of names against the abortion clinics for the newspaper and to encourage everyone to attend the Oct. 1st Rally at Queen’s Park in Toronto.

If you should require any other information please contact 613-389-4472. Thank you very much.