The process of secularizing the nation proceeds unabatedly. The first battle to make the homosexual lifestyle equal to the normal family in law and society was won in Ontario on December 2, 1986. The assault on Sunday as a family and religious day of rest is in full swing. New proposals, by the Law Reform Commission, calling for reducing the charge against euthanasia or so-called mercy killing from first-degree murder to manslaughter or even less, have now been published.


Further efforts to remove the teachings of Christianity from the public school system are in the courts, as are claims that the historical rights of “separate schools” – whether Catholic or Protestant – are contrary to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Only a few steps behind is the proposal to remove two major Christian religious holidays, Good Friday and Christmas, seemingly obnoxious to non-Christians; and the proposal to tax churches and other religious property in order to end a discriminatory practice.


The need for a new initiative to counteract and reverse this trend becomes clearer every day. What must be overcome above all is that notion of apathy and surrender, the idea that nothing can be done by either individual or group. It is not so. “Any dead body,” said G. K. Chesterton, “can float downstream; but it takes a live body to swim upstream.”