The Indoctrination of a People
By Judith Reissman and Edward Eichel
Reviewed by W.J. Douglas Ball
The premise of this book is that Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey’s 1940’s and ‘50s research into human sexuality was not only deeply flawed, but also purposely, knowingly engineered to yield the results it wanted: a dramatically liberalized attitude to sex consistent with Kinsey’s own radical ideology and personal sexual hang-ups.
The purpose of the authors is to expose the fraud set the record straight, and open to question the sex research projects undertaken by the same people who were involved with Kinsey, and his intellectual progeny. Its too soon to tell if the authors will have the impact they desire, but, if noting else, they will have provided evidence to people who knew intuitively that Kinsey was misleading thoroughly destructive to family life.
Sexual philosophy
The best said about Dr. Kinsey is that, based on his sexual philosophy (which, we may presume, was consistent with the heart of the man), he was not a person you’d have wanted your daughter to have married. And, if the authors are right in what they charge, he was a liar and a cheat. He has his own moral and sexual agenda and made certain his ‘research’ findings would corroborate that agenda.
The authors summarize Kinsey’s understanding of sexuality by the following three principles:
- “The normal expression of human sexuality is bi-sexuality.” If this norm is not always realized it is because of repressive cultural restraints and social inhibitions. Kinsey’s goal was to break down those restraints and inhibitors.
- “Sexual contact with adults would be a normal part of growing up for children in a less inhibited society.” Unbelievably, “Kinsey structured his research in a manner that made sexual experimentation with children a legitimate part of his scientific endeavor. And he used the research results to promote the acceptance of pedophilia.”
- “Promiscuity and diversity of sexual expression correlate with sexual health.” For instance, pedophilia and homosexuality are seen to be healthy developments.
It is difficult to read material like this for very long without growing nauseous, but it’s worth the effort. You will learn, although not surprised I’m sure, that our schools (here, as well as in the U.S.) are attuned, broadly speaking, to Kinsey’s same agenda. True, they’re not yet at the point of encouraging pedophilia, but they certainly are concerned to lessen our moral horror of homosexuality. The authors show us how this is happening. The educational establishment is not at all content with merely explaining the sexual plumbing. It has the purpose in mind of loosening our children’s attitudes to sexual perversions and promiscuity.
Though you may not have the stomach for it, I encourage everyone who has the remotest interest in what our educators, counselors, and others are doing in this field to read this book. Unfortunately, the Kinsey legacy is still with us, seeking to destroy the sexual mores each new generation. We would do well to find out how this is happening.