The pro-life Christian Heritage Party is rebounding after several years of declining membership as it prepares for a federal election campaign expected next year, says its leader.

“We are growing rapidly overall, most rapidly in Quebec, which is a very encouraging development,” says Ron Gray. “We’re attracting disaffected Reformers who are fed up with the political correctness beginning to seep in since (gay-rights legislation) Bill C-33.”

Gray, a former journalist, was in Southern Ontario in November to attend the Family Coalition Party’s annual general meeting in Hamilton and a Campaign Life Coalition strategy meeting in Scarborough.

He said the party has been focusing in recent months on improving communication with its supporters through methods such as weekly fax bulletin and an Internet presence.

Gray, who finished fifth in an Etobicoke, Ontario by-election last spring, added he is encouraged by the results of an independent poll the CHP commissioned in British Columbia recently which showed that voters have an affinity for the party and its policy platform.

He said the party’s election platform will focus on national unity, employment and tax credits for stay-at-home parents. He predicted a coming year of rapid growth for the CHP.

On the pro-life side, Gray said supporters are best off supporting parties like the CHP which are consistent in support for the unborn, instead of trying to work within mainline parties which are either openly pro-abortion or ambivalent to the point of inaction on the issue. He also rejected a constitutional referendum on this issue.