When earlier this year Catholic Insight announced it would no longer publish a monthly print edition of its magazine after a two-decade run, Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes, lamented the hole it left in Canada’s Catholic community. He urged LifeSiteNews, whose board he sits on, to take up the mantle and produce a monthly magazine of Catholic news and commentary, saying he heard from many Catholic grassroots pro-lifers that they missed having an overtly, authentic Catholic publication, especially to address the theological and moral arguments regarding current events such as Ontario’s radical sex-ed curriculum and the national euthanasia debate.
Last month, Faithful Insight was launched, with LifeSiteNews editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen as editor and a board and editorial staff comprised of LifeSite personnel.
Faithful Insight, the editors explain in their opening editorial, is “unlike LifeSiteNews, is specifically intended for Catholics, but like LifeSiteNews, hopes to strengthen faith, life, the natural family, and freedom.” It draws its inspiration from Catholic Insight’s founder and long-time editor Fr. Alphonse de Valk, who “could always be counted on to state the blunt truth about controversial goings-on.” The first edition of the new magazine was dedicated to Fr. de Valk.
The magazine contains both new and reprinted material. Articles in the first edition included stories on Pope Francis’s climate change encyclical, the historical roots of dissent, Michael Coren’s conversion to Anglicanism, and author Michael O’Brien on “Modesty amid the plague of pornography.”
A one-year subscription (ten times a year) is $55 and can be obtained by writing Faithful Insight, 104 Bond St., Toronto, Ont., M5B 1X9.