LifeSite Daily NewsA group of same-sex “marriage” activists is planning an action to force Nova Scotia courts to decide on the status of homosexual “marriage” in that province.

The group, the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project (NSRAP), bemoans that the federal government and Supreme Court of Canada are stalling on a national decision.

The NSRAP is trying to force the matter by seeking a court order. “We are now considering a change in strategy, to proceed with a similar application in Nova Scotia in the near future, rather than wait for the reference,” said NSRAP chair Sean Foreman.

The court challenge is likely to go ahead unless Nova Scotia judges “do the honourable thing,” according to the NSRAP.

In a letter addressed to the Nova Scotia and federal attorneys-general, Foreman cited the Yukon decision, and demanded “that the province of Nova Scotia immediately begin issuing marriage licences to same-sex couples.”

Nova Scotia would be the fifth Canadian region to undergo such trials; all thus far have ordered marriage redefined.

Earlier this summer, the Yukon passed legislation permitting same-sex “marriage,” joining B.C., Ontario and Quebec, where courts have judicially redefined marriage.

-with Interim Staff files