Special to The Interim

Canada’s Liberal government has been pushing the line that ending discrimination against sexual orientation necessitates allowing same-sex “marriage.” With his Liberal colleagues spouting that line at home, Canada’s Foreign Minister Pierre Pettigrew was in Geneva March 14, urging the United Nations to fight discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights opened its sixty-first session this morning, hearing the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights state that the Commission was one embodiment of the collective responsibility to promote and protect all human rights for everyone.

According to a CBC report, Pettigrew told the Commission, “This system should be flexible so that we can make progress in new areas, such as fighting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity so that we can rise to today’s challenges, such as respect for human rights and the fight against terrorism.”

High Commissioner Louise Arbour, formerly an activist Canadian Supreme Court Justice, is likely to fall in line with Pettigrew’s suggestion. When Arbour was appointed to the UN, an international homosexual lobby quoted Canadian homosexual activists’ praise for Arbour. “While at the Supreme Court of Canada, Judge Arbour constantly affirmed the rights of lesbian, gay and bisexuals to equal treatment,” said Laurie Arron from EGALE Canada. In 2002, Arbour voted against the decision of a British Columbia school board which had banned three school books about same-sex parents. The school board had argued that the books offended the religions of some parents. The court said that the board had violated a requirement in provincial legislation that the public school system be strictly secular and non-sectarian.

Pettigrew’s remarks come as a warning to groups opposed to same-sex “marriage.” Brazil has for the past few years attempted to push gay rights through the United Nations by putting forward a resolution on “sexual orientation and human rights” at the UN Commission. The measure has met with worldwide opposition since nations are now realizing the direct connection between the development of special legal rights based on “sexual orientation” and court-imposed homosexual “marriage” and even jailing of religious leaders for speaking out against homosexuality.

Published with permission of, where it originally appeared March 14.