Journalist for Life Michael Coren

Journalist for Life Michael Coren

Once again the assembled chiefs of police in Canada have called for an increased number of officers to deal with what they describe as a “spiralling increase” in the amount of child pornography on the internet. They explained to a press conference that a quarter of a million separate internet addresses in Canada are actively downloading the most horrendous scenes of child sexual abuse, giving talk radio warriors and complacent media pundits myriad opportunities to reveal how offended, outraged and disgusted they were.

No, no, no! You don’t get away with it that easily. Anyone can weep for a child when he is molested by a dribbling pervert. But unless you grasp that pedophilia is merely part of a greater problem, and as much a symptom as it is a cause, you will never fully comprehend what child abuse is all about. We claim to love children, but we destroy childhood.

In 2007 in Portland, Me., for example, a middle school made the contraceptive pill available to girls as young as 11. More than this, the school decided that the children’s parents would not be asked for their permission and would not even be informed.

The ostensible reason given by social workers and teachers was that there had been 17 pregnancies in the city’s three middle schools in the past four years. The authorities were extremely vague about the ages of the girls involved and gave very few details.

If it’s true, it’s extremely disturbing. And if it’s true, the solution is to stop the girls from having sex, not to make it easier for the others to join in. Otherwise, it’s like assuming that by ignoring the poor, we’ll prevent poverty. The boys involved should be charged, the parents of the girls investigated and, perhaps, the abused children taken into care.

Children are not supposed to be having sex, any more than they are supposed to be taking cocaine, driving cars or shooting people. But when it comes to physically and emotionally immature girls having intercourse, the lines of what is right and wrong become strangely blurred.

They shouldn’t be, because it’s quite obvious. Premature sexual activity causes profound, and sometimes irreversible, damage, it rapes a child of innocence and purity and often has dreadful physical repercussions. We’ve become convinced that the pill is a force for good. Not so. Even using the very word “pill” is one of the most outrageous misnomers in the modern lexicon. Pills make us better. The contraceptive pill doesn’t do anything of the kind, but stops the body from doing what it is supposed to do and denies human life.

There is also increasing evidence of the physical harm done to women who use the contraceptive pill on a long-term basis. The mystery is why we would have ever thought otherwise. Chemical intervention alters the natural course and has consequences and side effects. On an ideological level, the pill was supposed to liberate women and give them control over their bodies. Instead, it has empowered irresponsible men who can insist on sexual intercourse because, after all, “If you love me, you will and anyway, you can’t get pregnant.”

Which takes us back to the truly horrific child pornography issue. None of this is at all surprising. Little girls have been dressing like hookers, and boys like pimps, for years. The free market cares not a dot about morality if it can make a profit and its usual opponents, the left, seem obsessed with promoting sexual anarchy and abolishing absolutes.

There is a concerted campaign to sexualize children and as a result, the obscenity of pedophilia has been partly legitimized. The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) has marched in some gay pride parades and explained its opinions in certain homosexual newspapers. Arguments for what is euphemistically referred to as “inter-generational sex” are now making their way into the mainstream. One such advocate is a journalist published regularly in some of Canada’s leading magazines and has been nominated for national magazine awards.

It is in the interest of people who believe in a sexual revolution, not only to smash the barriers that inhibit their own sexuality, but to shatter barriers that limit any sexuality. When one door opens, all doors open. Beyond the sexual, there is also a concerted campaign to marginalize the established family, encourage universal and communal childcare and increase the rights of the child and thus weaken the authority of the parent.

So, in a way, it is horribly predictable that children should now become victims of pornography and direct sexual abuse. It’s not, of course, that every zealot and every relativist is a child-pornographer. But fellow travellers are what they are. They make it easier for the genuinely evil and the genuinely dark to commit their crimes. Be outraged about the obvious, but also be angry at what has been done to our children and our families for the past 40 years.

Michael Coren’s new book, As I See It, is available at or from The Interim. He can be booked for speeches at