What someone does to influence you child’s spirit will have eternal repercussions.  We must ensure that the food that feeds our children’s spirit is food from heaven founded by God’s word.  If your child’s teacher wishes to get to his or her spirit, it had better be with grace from God and nothing else.

It is abundantly clear that parents can no longer assume that the teaching their children receive in school is free of errors and dangers.  Therefore, I strongly urge parents to:

  • Become involved in your child’s school.  If you find something not in keeping with your convictions or faith, approach the teacher in love, assuming the error is innocently made.  He or she is probably a victim too.  Some of what is presented to teachers as up-to-date teaching strategy actually has a New Age or occult source.
  • Practice your Christian Faith.  Read the Bible and pray daily as a family, instructing your children in God’s word.  Then you and your children will receive discernment from God in these matters.
  • The pamphlet New Age in the Light of Christian Leaching, pp 32, 1990, by Michael Fleming is available for $1.00 plus postage from Life Ethics Centre.

NB Parents concerned about these developments should see the Ministry of Education address printed at the end of part one of “Patents: Watch what your children are being taught.”