The basic theme of Father Alphonse de Valk’s presentation at the Winnipeg Conference was that we cannot compromise killing innocent human beings in our attempt to provide acceptable legal protection for the unborn.

In his powerfully eloquent address, cogently supported by numerous historical details, Fr. De Valk illustrated carefully that logic necessarily dictates society can’t accept killing of some in an imaginary step-by-step protection.  He stated unequivocally this approach is not workable.

Father emphasized that we must uphold the truth.  He pointed out that Dr. Nathanson, who was instrumental in getting abortion legalized in the United States, is now an expert in the relatively new science of fetology and upholds the position that “to legalize abortion is to corrupt law and society.”  Dr. Nathanson is an internationally-known pro-lifer.

Fr. De Valk added that legalizing abortion is a sacrilege, an offense against human reason.  Utilitarianism dominates much of contemporary society, even to the point that “might is right.”  Secularism wants religion out.

In referring to the controversial Bill C-43, which was defeated in the Canadian Senate with a tie vote, Fr. de Valk said the bill’s defeat was a victory for truth over the lie that “it [the bill] struck a balance” between the mother and child.

Fr. De Valk confidently emphasized that the pro-life movement has staved off numerous challenges, and that ideological pluralism is not acceptable because the “my ideas are as good as yours’ philosophy does not work.  Hard work, dedication, and a determination to protect the right to life of all human beings, born and unborn, must be the bottom line.

This conference, warmed by traditional Prairie hospitality and generosity, was one which will not be forgotten.

Now we must plan to attend the 1992 Conference to be hosted by Campaign Life Coalition – Toronto.  Mark your calendar; save your pennies; watch for details; pack your bags and, no matter where you live come to Ontario which really is “Yours to Discover.”