Shortly before he appeared before a police disciplinary tribunal to answer to the charge of disobeying a legal order, Constable David Packer received an open letter of support from Mother Teresa.
The five-page handwritten letter not only supported Constable Packer but contained an eloquent plea to government to make law to protect all unborn.
The full text of the open letter to Constable Packer follows:
“Just two year ago Constable David Packer risked his life to rescue a 3-month-old child from a burning building, and was decorated by the Police Force Department for his courage.
I find it very difficult to understand how such a man could accept duty guarding a building in which live babies are killed – by killing, dismembering them in their mother’s womb, through abortion.
“I find it difficult to understand the logic in which you would punish a man who is obviously heroic in trying to save life: why was he a hero two years ago, yet today he must be penalized? Why is an abortion “clinic” not only permitted to exist – but must be guarded in order to go on killing tiny, helpless, voiceless babies in what should be the safest place in the world, the mother’s womb? Those who would stop the killing are prevented from doing so.
“I call upon the government and all concerned in making laws, don’t destroy the best sentiments of nobility in your beautiful people by allowing heroes like David Packer to suffer for his courage towards the weakest for humankind – the unborn child – a gift of God.
“You would not allow your own child to be torn apart to death – because it is more convenient for some and so enrich those who should be committed to saving life, not destroying it! Such people have to appear before God one day even if they do not wish to think of it or believe it.
“The child is a gift of God, created by God – to love and be loved. But if a mother kills her own child, her very own child – her own flesh and blood, and such things are protected by law, then why are we surprised at the continued horror stories we read daily in the newspaper, of brutal murders and other atrocities? And so abortion has become the greatest destroyer of peace and love.
“Each child is formed in the image of God and is destined to be with God for all eternity. Allow the child to live. Do not be afraid of the child – he or she cannot hurt your.
“As I have said so often: no child, born or unborn, has to feel unwanted and unloved – for remember what Jesus has said, “If you receive a little child in my name – you receive Me.” To be able to see them we need a clean heart – for a clean heart can see God – and if we see God in each other, we will love one another as God loves each one of us.
“Let us remember – works of love are works of peace, and love begins at home – in our own family by praying together.
“For the fruit of prayer is faith.
“The fruit of love is service.
“The fruit of service is peace.