Low birth rates
“My opinion is that the drop [in births] is due to many factors: a bad economy, relatively small numbers of women at peak childbearing age, delayed marriages and the socially accepted conundrum that children are damaging to the environment and to personal happiness.” Katherine Dowling from her article “Mothers and Other Strangers.” (L.A. Times, March 3, 1994)
Handicapped are threatened
“We feel our lives threatened…We realize we cost the community a lot…Many people think we are useless…We will find it extremely dangerous and frightening if the new medical legislation includes euthanasia.” Excerpts from a letter written by a group of handicapped adults to the Dutch Parlimentary Committee for Health Care and Justice. (Population Research Institute Review, March/April 1994)
What about food?
“We must provide developing nations with 50 billion condoms, 11 billion oral contraceptives, 178 million sterilization operations and 400 million intrauterine devices over the next ten years.” Dr. Sheldon Segal of the U.S. government-funded Population Council, the same group which is working to find a U.S. manufacturer and distributor for the abortion pill, RU-486.
Contraceptive imperialism
“Rich countries are trying to impose a ‘contraceptive imperialism’ on poor nations by stressing birth control over economic development as the road to progress.” Latin American Catholic Bishops statement on the UN draft resolution for the International Conference on Population and Development. (B.C. Catholic, May 15, 1994)
Let nature be
“Improved seeds and farming systems have been raising the world’s crop yields at roughly double its population growth rate. It is food production technology, not population management, which has prevented hunger and massive famine in our densely populated world.” Dennis T. Avery, Global Food Progress, Hudson Institute.