A novena to St. Therese of Liseux has saved Campaign Life Calgary from threatened eviction, claims its president Michael O’Malley.

“It’s adversity leading to a spiritual grace,” Mr. O’Malley told The Interim, as Campaign Life now plans to purchase the property, which houses a pregnancy counseling centre, Campaign Life offices and Mr. O’Malley’s residence itself.

Landlord Ben Woo sent one 90-day eviction notice in January and a second one effective June 1990.  The City of Calgary had threatened legal action against Mr. Woo for renting his property for the purposes of “alleged illegal activities,” Mr. O’Malley said.

The city disputes Mr. O’Malley’s right to operate a counseling centre in the house, even though he won a court action allowing him to do so.

So in early April, Mr. O’Malley sued both the city and his landlord for malicious prosecution, abuse of process and defamation.

Meanwhile, he and a friend prayed a fervent novena to St. Therese.  The novena promises that the request will be granted and roses sent to the petitioner.

A week after the novena was completed, Mr. O’Malley received a prayer card from the Carmelite monastery in St. Agatha, Ontario with four roses on it.

The same day he received a letter from Mr. Woo indicating the landlord was willing to sell the property.

The friend who also prayed the novena received two real roses.  “It just gave us chills Mr.

O’Malley related.  I’m convinced St. Therese is helping us.  Already $30,000 of the required $40,000 down payment has been “miraculously” raised.

Mr. O’Malley is dropping Mr. Woo from the lawsuit as “we’re achieving good will here.”  He also sent his landlord pictures of two mothers who had received counseling at the centre, and who had decided against abortion.  The pictures may have affected Mr. Woo’s decision Mr. O’Malley said.

Campaign Life has rented the house for three years and soon there will be a plaque erected in honor of St. Therese in the prayer room.

St. Therese, a Carmelite nun of the nineteenth century and a popular figure of devotion of Roman Catholics, promised to spend her heaven doing good on earth.