Three members of Campaign Life Coalition completed their Ottawa fast for life June 17, having attained their goal of informing parliamentarians and thousands of other Canadians of the violence of abortion.

Kurt Gayle, 44, Gerard Liston, 28 and supply manager and co-coordinator Vladimir Hirko, 45, went home satisfied.

The fasters released a balloon while striking a gong every 4 minutes to symbolize the murder of an unborn child somewhere in Canada.  “The symbolism had a chilling effect on many, including the fasters themselves,” said Gerard Liston, one of the three.

Media coverage – one of the goals of the fast – was not extensive, the English language press virtually ignored it.

Over the three week period, the fasters met with a number of MPs. Including Gus Mitges, sponsor of last year’s pro-life motion in the Commons.

Liberal Senator Stanley Haidasz, sponsor of the pro-life Bill s-16, visited the fasters on several occasions to offer his support.

“Highlight of the fast was the huge numbers of people reached,” enthused Liston.  “Thousands of passersby saw our presence on Parliament Hill, including countless numbers of impressionable school kids.”