As of December 15 three pro-lifers are in jail in Canada. On January 13, 1990 James Hanlon will complete his six-month sentence in the Chilliwack, B.C. detention centre for protesting the killing of unborn babies at Vancouver Everywoman’s Health Clinic. In B.C., and nowhere else, pro-life prisoners of conscience are refused time off for good behavior.

In Ontario two prisoners of conscience have been in Toronto jails since they protested the killing of the unborn at Morgentaler’s on November 28, 1989. Both refuse to cooperate in any way with prison authorities. They are Linda Gibbons, 41, of Weston, Ontario who is in the Metro West Detention Centre; and Vladimir Hirko, 46, is in Toronto Don Jail.

On December 18 both prisoners were set free.

A busdriver and two Toronto priests who were fined $750 or two weeks in jail on October 14 for counseling or protesting quietly outside the Morgentaler’s abortuary, are still free. Although the date for payment expired on November 13 and the 15-day period of grace ended on November 28, no warrant for their arrest had been issued by December 15, 1989.