June 25, 1988

WHEREAS the motion which has been introduced into the House of Commons accepts abortion on demand as a solution to an unwanted pregnancy in its early stages and introduces only minor restrictions in later stages.

AND WHEREAS Amendment A accepts abortion where a mother’s life or health will be adversely affected.

AND WHEREAS Amendment B accepts abortion on demand.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alliance for Life advise the Parliament of Canada of its outrage that the rights of unborn children have not been recognized and the current proposals before Parliament are categorically unacceptable and urge Parliament to develop a law which would protect the right to life of the preborn child from conception onwards and that Parliamentary legislation reflect Senator Haidasz’s bill.

The pro-life groups of Canada gathered at their Annual General Meeting of Alliance for Life express to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) our disappointment in and disappointment in and disapproval of the statement from the CCCB with reference to the abortion motion before the House of Commons.

APPROVE by Campaign Life Coalition of Canada, Charlottetown, P.E.I., June 25, 1988.