The 1991 National Strategy Meeting of Campaign Life Coalition, held November 30 to December 2, in Niagara Falls, Ontario, was attended by approximately 90 leaders from across Canada. Every province (except Newfoundland and New Brunswick) was represented at this meeting.
Following a welcome address by National President Jim Hughes, the participants engaged in discussions dealing with Bill C-43 and the Senate; long-term strategy to get pro-life MPs elected; local politics; and communication with Churches.
Issues which prompted lively discussion were consultation with the Reform Party, which was seen by many delegates as not pro-life, plus issues beyond abortion, e.g., contraception.
Operation Rescue was seen as activism which should be re-vitalized, it being one which saved babies and mothers, captured media attention and heightened public awareness. During this session, the picketing of abortionists’ homes and offices was discussed, with the emphasis being placed on the established and positive effect of this type of activism.
The final session, “A Clear Focus,” – something to take home – included brief presentations from Marilyn Bergeron, President of Alliance for Life, and Coby Vanderberg, President of Canadian Youth Pro-Life Organization (CYPLO).
Jim Hughes led a discussion on cooperation with other groups; the importance of attending conferences; the possibility of obtaining a toll-free number; raising funds for legal action against abortionists; together with the need to establish strong provincial and local groups.