Do good things happen to pro-lifers?  Yes, they do, all the time, quietly, behind the scenes – like rays of sunshine breaking through the clouds.

The harshest blows strike pro-lifers publicly – and yet blessings abound privately.  For instance, the disastrous Supreme Court of Canada decision last January was probably the worst blow ever.  To understand what happened to pro-lifers – on the plus side – three pioneer leaders in Toronto reflect upon its unexpected consequences, upon encouraging changes they now see and upon the next generation of pro-lifers.

Toronto Right to Life

Laura Macarthur is President of Toronto Right to Life Association (RTL), a pro-life educational organization.  Laura feels that “the Supreme Court of Canada decision shook pro-lifers to their roots.”  Still she sees many blessing following this dark decision.

As a result, the grassroots sent thousands of letters of protest to their MPs; the RTL office was overwhelmed by requests for speakers and pro-life materials; high school, college and university students were inspired to do pro-life projects; the abortion issue was catapulted into the media; centering attention on many aspects previously ignored.

Laura finds today’s students to be better informed and more inquisitive then they were a decade ago.  They ask more probing questions about abortion and its related areas.  For instance, the favourite feminist slogan, “a woman’s choice,” is now being challenged by incisive questions about the “pre-born child.”  She sees pro-life education as fundamental to creating a pro-life mentality” in society.  She likens the process to that of a child’s education beginning in kindergarten and continuing into high school.  It is a gradual process, which broadens and deepens over time – often difficult to measure because the results are intangible and not always immediate or rewarding.


Louise Summerhill is Founder of Birthright International, a pregnancy crisis counseling service with 650 centres worldwide.

This October, Birthright celebrates its twentieth anniversary.  Since it’s beginning it has saved over one million babies.  Says Louise, “every time we save a baby, it’s a success story.”

Following the Supreme Court decision, Birthright saved six babies in one week.  Louise says it received an influx of calls from distressed pregnant women who otherwise might have had abortions because of indifference to, or ignorance of their pre-born child’s existence.  She quickly adds, “We don’t affect girls.   God touches their hearts.”

Louise finds today’s teenagers more caring about each other.  They know a pregnant teenager needs help and they are willing to help her find it.  They see abortion as “a raw deal” for the baby, unlike many of their mothers who are more “cold-blooded” and often pressure their daughters into having abortions.  She finds girls better educated on the facts – “they know it’s a baby, and they care about the baby.”  Many students from nearby colleges doing pro-life projects spend time with Birthright.  As a result they become excited about its work and are more involved in the abortion issue.

After the next generation of pro-lifers, Louise quietly mentions her identical twin daughters – one an accountant, the other a lawyer.  Both girls have been raised within the shadow of Birthright over the last 20 years, and now substitute for their mother on the occasional speaking engagement.  Who says good things don’t happen?

Campaign Life Coalition

Jim Hughes is President of Campaign Life Coalition (Canada), a national, political pro-life organization.

Following the Supreme Court decision, Jim said, “pro-lifers, many for the most time, lobbied MPs and picketed outside their offices.”  He sees this as new king of activism for many, who previously were unmotivated or uncommitted are translating their moral indignation into action.  He finds it astonishing that parliamentarians received more mail, telephone calls and telegrams on the abortion issue than on any other issue – ever.  “This is a clear indication that the silent majority of Canadians now take their responsibility for the unborn seriously.”

In the past year, Jim has seen major changes in co-operation among pro-lifers; the amalgamation of two estranged Canadian political pro-life groups, Campaign Life and Coalition for Life, into one united front now called Campaign Life Coalition – marking a milestone in Canadian political, pro-life history; the formation of new church and professional groups like Christians for Life, Teachers for Life and Nurses for Life, and the innovative Lifeline organization which recently activated 10,000 pro-lifer “to walk for life” from coast to coast..

As for the next generation of pro-lifers, Jim reflects, “I’m building blocks to form a firm foundation that was built by conscientious pro-lifers before me.  I anxiously await a new generation to complete the building.

Meanwhile, he says, we must maintain the strong pro-life momentum generated over the last eight months since the Supreme Court decision.  “We can no longer support pro-abortion candidates, nor vote for those who promise less evil – because then all that remains is the evil.”  He says we need to face ourselves and our God and to work to remove problems that result in abortion.  This will create a society that support all life.

We know from the narrow margin of defeat on the Mitges’ Motion in Parliament last summer that there is a strong pro-life support among MPs.  Yet, we need more.  An unsurpassed opportunity awaits us in the next election to elect a pro-life Parliament.  What is needed to accomplish this cherished goal is time, sacrifice, prayer and work; lobbying, picketing, distributing pamphlets, writing letters, telephoning, doing office  work, campaigning for a pro-life candidate and much more.

The call of the unborn summons each of us during this election campaign.  Let us respond by giving them some of our time and energy.