Michaeline Bennet

Michaeline Bennet

A long-time former advertising manager for The Interim, Michaeline Bennet, passed away suddenly on Feb. 13 at the age of 79

Bennet came to the paper in the early 1990s through her sister Lee Zern. When Bennet left in 1994, she was replaced in the position by her sister Marsha Hadley.

Bennet and Hadley expanded the paper’s advertising base from Catholic churches to Ukrainian Catholic churches reflecting their upbringing in the Prairies.

Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes said Bennet was a “holy woman whose core beliefs encouraged her to get involved with The Interim paper which she believed was essential to getting the truth about life and family issues to the general public.”

The Interim shares offices with Campaign Life Coalition, and CLC office manager Deny Dieleman remembered Bennet was strongly opposed to the “f-word”: fetus. Dieleman said Bennet was opposed to pro-lifers using a word that deliberately dehumanized preborn babies.

Bennet was an avid tennis player, continuing to play into her 70s. One of her daughters taught Dieleman’s brother Adrian how to play, and Dieleman became a competitive wheelchair tennis player.

Bennet is survived by her husband David, daughters Susan and Tracy Bennet, and three grandchildren.