Upon my return from a recent vacation in Ireland, I received the sad news of the death of my most valued friend, the Rev. Ken Campbell.
I think most pro-life people in Toronto are aware that I am a Catholic priest and Ken was a Baptist minister. But on one vital issue, we were totally at one and that is the pro-life conviction that every unborn baby has the right to be born alive.
I remember a number of years ago, Ken and I spent a night alone in a prison cell, awaiting a hearing the following day. We spent several hours in friendly discussion on the different teachings of our respective religions. But on two subjects we were totally in agreement. One was the divinity of Christ and the other, the right to life.
Through the years, we witnessed often together, sometimes spoke at the same events and attended the same pro-life meetings.
And so, Ken, I conclude by saying, “Farewell until we meet again.” And I feel certain that we will meet again in another world.