Over 200 observers were on hand for the solemn unveiling of a pro-life monument just outside Toronto’s Canadian Martyrs Church on July 26th in the city’s east end.

On hand for this occasion was Bishop N. D’Angelo who gave his blessing to the plaque commemorating millions of pre-born children slaughtered by abortion.

Father Richard A. Love, pastor of Canadian Martyrs, was congratulated for spearheading the installation of the memorial, with the valuable support of the Knights of Columbus and other parishioners. Fr. Love pointed out the importance of a permanent witness to the ongoing abortion holocaust. “It is a forceful reminder to church goers and passers-by of the reverence we hold for life,” he said.

The congregations of Canadian Martyrs are accustomed to heaving and learning about the life issues from Fr. Love. He misses few opportunities to exhort his listeners on pro-life concerns and activities. Father’s attendance at the yearly Life Chain demonstrations is always accompanied by a large number of parishioners.

A mass for the unborn and for an end to abortion is celebrated every Saturday at 9:30 am. Fr. Love invites anyone interested to come and assist at this Holy Sacrifices.

– Tom Brown