Adrian Keet, a longtime pro-life activist in his 80th year, is planning to walk from his hometown of Ingersoll, Ont. to Midland, Ont. and back again – a journey of approximately 600 kilometres – from Sept. 13 to Oct. 8.

Readers might remember that in 1977 Mr. Keet walked from his then hometown of Wingham, Ont. to Ottawa (again, approximately 600 kilometres), to raise awareness of pro-life issues. His first walk was also intended to coincide with the Festival of Life that year, which celebrated the collection of one million signatures on a pro-life petition to Parliament, the largest petition in Canadian history.

Now Mr. Keet is hoping to raise awareness of the specific looming threat of euthanasia in this country. His income in limited, but he has decided that that won’t stop him from contributing to the building of a new culture of life. He’s been walking 400 kilometres per month in preparation for his trek to Midland.

Mr. Keet says, “We who believe in the sanctity of life have the responsibility to put our shoulder to the wheel.” To that end, he is inviting supporters to sponsor his walk, in order to raise money for pro-life efforts, including projects being planned by Campaign Life Coalition.