June Callwood, well-know writer and leading pro-abortionist and anti-family feminist, was invited by the Ontario Family Life Educators’ Association to address a fall mini-conference on the subject of the “Media as teachers of Family and Sexual Values.”  Organizers of the Conference are Sister Mary Baier of Toronto and Liela Boniferro of the Sault Ste Marie Separate School Board’s Family Life office.  The conference was planned for November 16.

Callwood is a nationally-known newspaper columnist and activist on behalf of a variety of causes such as the under privileged and Soviet Jews.  She also champions the right to abortion.  In 1975, she was a co-signer together with colleagues such as Pierre Berton, of a telegram to Prime Minister Trudeau in opposition to the prosecution of Henry Morgentaler and in favour of the removal of abortion from the Criminal Code.

She is an honorary director of CARAL the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League, and a frequent speaker at pro-abortion rallies and meetings.  She also opposes any restrictions on such things as contraceptives and pornography.  One of Callwood’s most recent columns, entitled “Scream bloody murder,” (Globe, Oct. 25, 1984) was a panegyric of Laura Sabia, another feminist who favours every woman’s right to an abortion.  Sabia, too, is an honorary director of CARAL.  Moreover, without a doubt, she is the most vociferous anti-Church pro-abortion Catholic in the country.
