Supporters note she puts unborn ahead of herself

Mary Wagner

Pro-life prisoner of conscience Mary Wagner was sentenced in court Sept. 13 for peacefully entering a Toronto abortion facility last December to witness about the value of human life to mothers who were waiting to abort their children.

On Sept. 12, Wagner, who provided her own defense, was found guilty by Judge William Bassel in Toronto’s Old City Hall of “unlawful use” and “enjoyment” of the premises of the Bloor West Village Women’s Clinic on December 23, 2010. As part of the mischief charge, the judge found Mary guilty of delaying the progress of the business.

John Bulsza, Wagner’s friend and supporter who was present at the trial, told that the jury heard Wagner testify how she was forcibly dragged away from the facility by the police officer. “It’s not too late. There’s time to change your mind. God loves you,” Mary had said to the woman as she was removed from the premises.

The judge sentenced Wagner to 40 days in jail and three years probation during which she is to have no contact with employees of the Bloor West center. She is also required to keep 100 yards away from the abortion facility for the same period of time.

Bulsza told LSN that the judge’s final words contradicted the statements of the witnesses who testified that Wagner remained “calm, cool, and collected” during her hour with the mothers at the abortion facility. “The judge blew things out of proportion,” said Bulsha, adding that Judge Bassel “painted Mary to be someone who is ‘ramming her agenda down people’s throats’.”

Since the December 2010 arrest, Mary has been arrested on three separate occasions for witnessing to mothers about the truth of human life in the womb. She has been traveling to the Toronto court from the Vanier women’s jail, where she was incarcerated after her most recent arrest August 12.

Alissa Golob, leader of Campaign Life Coalition Youth and a friend of the defendent, told LSN that Wagner does not provide a legal defense for herself but argues against abortion. Golob said, “instead of Mary defending herself or making statements with regard to her arrests, she simply makes statements about the injustice of abortion.” Golob added: “She doesn’t focus on herself, but on the bigger issue: abortion.”

Golob said that Wagner, who is in her mid 30s, is an inspiration to all young people who champion the pro-life cause. “She is a woman who really acts like abortion is murder. She is doing everything in her power to try to stop it.”

Golob explains: “We get so caught up in matters of the law, about how to avoid trouble and confrontation, that we overlook what really is happening: the killing of babies – everyday – all around us.

“Mary brings the Life of the unborn child to the centre of the pro-life movement.”

A version of this article originally appeared Sept. 13 at and is reprinted with permission.