The All-Ontario Pro-life conference was held in Trenton in November and attracted almost one hundred leaders from across the province.  The conference is an annual seminar sponsored by the educational pro-life groups in the province.  This year it was hosted by Frankford Right to Life.

Ottawa area theologian Dr. Richard Ganz gave the keynote address at the opening banquet.  He reminded his audience that the abortion holocaust is part of a much larger monster which both undermines the family and attacks the Christian Church.  He spoke of the need for all pro-life people to deepen their faith not only that they might have the energy to fight the battle but also that they might never lose hope.

The enthusiasm of participants quickly showed that they indeed had not lost faith and had lots of energy for the battle ahead.  Seminars ranged from one on reproductive technologies, updating leaders on the developments in that area, to a discussion of how to make effective presentations in classrooms.  Jackie Jeffs of Alliance for Life Ontario outlined and explained the presentation she had made on behalf of the Alliance to the Commission on Reproductive Technologies.

Jim Hughes spoke at the Saturday luncheon, with the reminder that we are all part of a movement.  It is not what group we belong to which is important but our willingness to do whatever pro-life task is before us.  Jim brought a bag of hats to demonstrate in a colorful manner the need to be able to change hats.  Educational work, counseling services, political work, Liberals for Life, FCP, we have to be willing to do it all.  According to Jim, “we need only change hats.”  Indeed, the weekend was permeated by that sense of movement as everyone present demonstrated their desire to work together to help protect the unborn.