Chris Dunn, a Toronto businessman, told The Interim that while looking for an investment property in Hamilton in July, which he could turn into a residence for his daughter, he remembered seeing “Real Estate for Life’s ad in The Interim paper” and realized this was a great way for him to help the Canadian pro-life movement. He looked for his copy of the paper and called Dave Thiesen, the American pro-lifer and REFL founder, with 20 years’ experience in real estate. After that call with Thiesen, Dunn said, everything fell into place nicely. “The agent was wonderful, she found what I needed, and the money went to a good cause.”

Campaign Life Coalition is one of three designated beneficiaries of Real Estate for Life in Canada, so they get a percentage of every sale that come from their referrals. The two pro-life groups teamed up in 2012 and this was the first sale.

Jeff Gunnerson, chairman of Campaign Life Coalition Toronto and advertising manager for The Interim said “this is a win-win situation for everyone who believes in the sanctity of life and this story proves that advertising in a pro-life paper like The Interim really works.” He told the paper, “we hope many others will do as Chris Dunn did and build up our efforts for the life of the unborn.”

Both Thiesen and Gunnarson stress that it is painless way to support pro-life because there is no out-of-pocket expense for supporters; the agents involved in the deal give a portion of their commission to Real Estate for Life who then passes it on to pro-life groups affiliated with it.

REFL was founded by Thiesen when he decided that he wanted to do more for the pro-life cause through his business which now operates in the U.S., Canada, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, New Zealand, Northern Ireland and Australia. Their website states that they “donate vital funding to pro-life organizations through agent referrals at absolutely no cost to you. The funds they collect through agent referrals have a substantial impact on what we, champions for life, can do. If you have an agent in mind, make the call to Real Estate for Life first.”

Gunnarson said Canadians looking to buy a new home should contact CLC first and the organization will provide the details necessary to ensure their housing purchase will benefit the pro-life cause.

Thiesen said most people know someone who is buying or selling property or a home at various times of the year. Gunnarson said that considering pro-abortion forces are well-funded, often through government grants, pro-life organizations are at a financial disadvantage and every little bit helps.

When CLC contacted Dunn, he said he was stunned to learn he is the first Canadian to have signed up with REFL and hopes that many others do likewise.