The Right to Life movement in Australia is stepping up its campaign against abortion. On August 11, 1988, a group of 40 pro-lifers followed the tactics of Operation Rescue in the United States, sat down on the lawn and verandah in Richmond, Virginia, and refused to move. They sat, holding their signs, and sang quietly. When the clinic spokesman told them they were trespassing, they sang louder. They still sang as they were carried away by police.

Among those arrested was Mrs. Margaret Tighe, President of Right to Life, Australia. Margaret said: “We have tried for nearly 20 years to stop the killing by lawful means, but we now believe that we have a duty to take a stronger stand for the poor little babies who are killed by abortion.”

Meanwhile four Right to Lifers are to serve minor gaol sentences because they refuse to pay fines and costs following their convictions for trespassing on the premise of another abortuary. Amongst the four is Father Eugene Ahern, a parish priest, who will be remembered by some pro-lifers across Canada. Margaret Tighe said: “This will be the first time in Australia that anyone has been gaoled because of non-violent acts of civil disobedience aimed at preventing abortion killing. We feel proud of them.”