The fifth annual Skate for Life was held on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa on February 10.

“The Skate,” as it has become to be known, is an event where young pro-lifers come together and encourage one another in their pro-life views. It sends a powerful message to Ottawa: These young people stand for Life.

This year highschool students from London, Sarnia, Kingston, Toronto, Pembroke, and Trenton participated in the Ontario Students for Life (OSFL) event.

On Saturday, the group moved to St. Mary’s Church for a mini-conference that preceded the Skate. They were joined by St. Mary’s youth group, visiting from Koinonia Academy in New Jersey, and Ottawa’s Greenbelt Baptist Church youth group. Altogether, almost 200 students participated in the day’s events.

The day included presentations from Karen Murawsky of Campaign Life, Rebecca Marcos and the Chastity challenge team and Rev. Phil Wheaton of Greenbelt Baptist Church; and some worship and praise music led by Rob Lauzon.

It was sunny and bright, and about -3 C when the group reached the canal—perfect weather for skating. The students lined up behind a colourful banner depicting the Sacred heart and Jesus welcoming hands, with a slogan that read “He came that we might have Life.” All the students together, and many carrying pro-life banners and signs.

On Sunday morning, after a Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast, Mass was celebrated at St. Mary’s.

The organizers wish to thank all who helped with the event, especially Fr. Francis Frankovich, Fr. Vincent Pererra, and Fr. Gerald Gahagan, who opened up their churches to help the Skate become a reality.