As the pro-life movement continues its battle for Middle Earth, there is a new trend arising that has struck terror into the hearts of those who support the culture of death. I am, of course, speaking about the next wave of pro-life activists, already here and already doing the job.

You see, I run an e-mail news service, sent out to pro-life leaders and interested folk all over the world. Called Pro-Life E-News, it has featured a number of articles – in fact, a steady stream of articles – in the past few months, detailing the next pro-choice horror movie. It was best summed up in a March 30 New York Times article, entitled: “Surprise, Mom: I’m Anti-Abortion.”

So now, some background.

The recent Pro-Life Society of British Columbia conference had one of the largest groups of young people in attendance I have ever seen. I have also been struck how the two chief pro-life groups in the United States, the National Right to Life Committee and the American Life League, always prominently featured youth as a major part of their conferences and outreaches.

In fact, such attention to the “youth” constituency is paying off. The pro-life youth activist group that gets the most press attention in North America is ALL’s Rock for Life.

Pro-Life groups in British Columbia and Alberta have nurtured youth and taught them life principles for a number of years, rewarded them through essay contests, sent them to national and international conferences … all believing that such investing in people would pay off big time.

Well, it has.

While many of you were in the trenches, battling the Orcs who think human life has no value, along to fight with you came the young people who you so desperately hoped would take up the charge.

Dawn has come. The battle is not over. Far from it.

But the next generation fighting alongside us will probably see the Gospel of Life victorious. The unborn will be liberated.

Sort of sounds like a movie, doesn’t it? But with a happy ending assured.

While the pro-choice movement greys and grows old, like its arguments, it stares in horror as its own children turn against them … valuing something they never had time for … human life.