In its 1976 General Conference the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada adopted a resolution to petition the Prime Minister of Canada to give careful and immediate attention to the widespread practice of abortion (virtually on demand) and its destruction of innocent human life, and to enact legislation which will provide protection for the child conceived but not yet born – the same protection provided for any other person.

The resolution indicated that abortion should be performed only when the life of the mother was at stake. It urged that the Parliament of Canada show leadership in fostering a life-sustaining society. It further urged that the law give full consideration to the rights of medical personnel to refuse to participate in performing abortions.

In its 1980 General Conference the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada adopted a resolution reaffirming its 1976 resolution on abortion.

The P.A.O.C, a Fellowship of over 820 churches in Canada, is expected to again adopt a strong pro-life position in the very near future.