December 10 marked a sad anniversary. It was the third annual Prayer Vigil held in front of the Harbord Street abortuary in Toronto. Since it first opened, the abortuary has killed 10 000 babies.

The 24-hour Vigil, organized by Campaign Life Coalition and the daily Witnesses for Life, attracted close to 1000 people. They came from as far away as North Bay, Kingston, London, Wingham and Niagara Falls to join in the Vigil. Every hour on the hour on a priest or minister led the pro-lifers in prayer and song.

About 5:30 a.m., an amusing incident took place. Bill Shane, the abortuary guard on duty that night, had come out in his stockinged feet to observe the Vigil. Well, he was in such a hurry that he left his keys behind and accidentally locked himself out of the abortuary. He wasted no time in making it to the nearest phone booth to put in a call for help.

Later, in the wee hours of December 11, after the vigil had ended, someone thrust a beer bottle through the window of the Way Inn. Police have yet to charge anyone in connection with this incident.