…A powerful witness to the truth of traditional Christianity, precisely that force that liberal elites have been trying to still for decades. It’s Christianity-and especially orthodox Catholicism and evangelicalism-that denies them their total victory in the culture wars. Proponents of abortion, gay marriage, radical feminism, multiculturalism and postmodernism all harbor a deep fear of the truth claims of Christianity.”

Crisis editor Deal Hudson
in catholicity.com

“Frame for frame, it is a masterful film. No one who sees Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ will ever be able to hear or read these passages from the Bible in the same way again. Gibson has made the words visual in the most devastating way. His true genius is that he has infused these horrific images with incredible, searing humanity.”

Calgary Sun movie reviewer
Louis B. Hobdon

“What I hope is that the movie will help to effect a deeper conversion of the already converted. I walked out of the theatre into the cold sunlight and pot smoke of a Manhattan sidewalk. If we leave this film reminded that this world is not our home but only a way station, then Gibson will have done a mighty work for the Lord. We will remember that He is being crucified, and doing his saving work, every day, every moment, as I write, as you read.”

Ramesh Ponnuru in National Review
“Having failed to tag the movie as anti-Semitic, those who hate everything about Mel’s masterpiece are trying to convince the public not to see it because it’s too violent.”

Catholic League president
William Donohue
quoted in WorldNetDaily.

“What is undeniably accurate is that the logo we so tritely wear around our necks, and use to adorn our churches and trinkets, is about to sweep into reality through our theatres and we will understand what the cross really meant. I’ll never look at it the same way again.”

CTS’s Lorna Dueck
writing in the Globe and Mail

“Depicts a clash between Jesus and those who crucified him, and speaking as a Jew, I thought it was a magical film that showed the perils of life on earth.”
Matt Drudge,
host of the website Drudge Report

“American Christianity had become superficial, happy-clappy, offering formulas for earthly success rather than the promise of eternal life and a call to radical discipleship. Our evangelism had become reduced to ‘ask Jesus into your heart,’ without sometimes even mentioning who Jesus is and what He paid for our salvation. This movie, for all its faults and limitations, has reminded Christians of the magnitude of the cross.”

Gene Edward Veith in World magazine
“The Passion is deeply moving, powerful, and disturbing. A film that must be seen.”

Focus on the Family
founder Dr. James Dobson