The decision of the hierarchy of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association to invite pro-abortion MP Sheila Copps to be the keynote speaker at the “Poverty Hurts” conference, scheduled for January 25, 26 1991, at the Regal Constellation Hotel, has sparked a controversy within the rank and file.
The inclusion of former MPP Richard Johnston as the facilitator of the wrap-up session has proved to be equally divisive.
Johnston has consistently upheld the pro-abortion position of the NDP and endorsed Anne Swarbrick, the Minister in charge of Women’s Issues, during the recent Ontario Election. Ms. Swarbrick, for her part, is an enthusiastic supporter of abortionist Henry Morgentaler.
While the action of OECTA is consistent with that of the York Board, which saw fit to invite pro-abortion Stephen Lewis, former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations, to address members, it is inconsistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church.