Thousands of pro-lifers marched on Capital Hill in Washington January 22 to mark the 20th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision guaranteeing abortion on demand in the U.S.


Along with the peaceful demonstration, which organizers said drew up to 100,000 people, there was a “call to resistance” which saw four abortion centres closed throughout the city.


There were 309 arrests during the four Rescues said Shannon Hall, a member of Collegians Activated to Liberate Life (CALL). She claimed that most of the “missionaries” were given $50 fines and released.


A group known as Youth for America was the driving force behind a protest outside the Women’s Surgi-Center on Pennsylvania Ave. Police were called on to help women enter and eventually arrested nine of the protesters who were charged with blocking public areas.


Opposing the blockages were activists with the Washington Area Clinic Defence Task Force who teamed up with the police to escort women into the abortuaries.


President Bill Clinton was the subject of jeers by many pro-lifers in Washington during the week of pickets and rescues. Clinton, coming off his inauguration January 20, plans to loosen up abortion restrictions even more during his presidency. One of his first actions is expected to be the repeat of the so-called “gag rule” which prohibits federally-funded agencies from providing abortion referrals. He has also pledged to legalize the abortion pill RU-486.