As Mother Teresa said on Parliament Hill in 1988, “The beautiful thing about the Pro-life movement is that its ordinary people doing extraordinary things for God.”
In this the 150th anniversary of the founding of Canada, numerous publications have issued their own lists of prominent Canadians. Jim Hughes, national president of Campaign Life Coalition offers this partial list of some of the outstanding pro-life people he has met from across the country – living and deceased. This is by no means an exhaustive list of those who have valiantly stood up for the preborn. Jim has deliberately excluded CLC office staff and pro-life MPs and senators, as well as several others for reasons of confidentiality. There were earlier activists that have been heard about but never met. Drs. Heather Morris, Dawn Jubb, Harley Smyth, and pro-life members of hospital boards from B.C. to Newfoundland. Jim salutes their contribution and laying the foundation for future efforts. (Note: (D) indicates deceased)
Father Lawrence Abello S.J. U: Sask.
Saskatchewan native Father Lawrence Abello S.J., was banned from riding buses travelling into U.B.C. because of the graphic images of aborted babies, he displayed on his lap. When I couldn’t attend a meeting in Toronto, due to leaves blocking my eavestroughs, creating flooding of my neighbour’s property, I arrived home to find Father Abello, in his long black cassock at the top of an extension ladder with a bucket cleaning out the troughs
While teaching in Calcutta, Father Abello was one of Mother Teresa’s spiritual advisors. When Toronto police Constable David Packer refused to guard the illegal Morgentaler abortuary, it was Father Abello who asked Mother Teresa to send a letter of support, which she did.
Father Felix Agnew (D): Kingston, Ont.
Father Agnew was a devoted pro-life priest and in the early 1970s found a most dramatic way to address the killing of the unborn. He called an open-line radio show in Kingston and told the host that he was having his third and probably final heart attack. He was prepared sacramentally to meet God, but he wanted to spend his last breath speaking out for the unborn and against their killing by abortion. The host was told later that Father Agnew was found dead by his housekeeper, with the phone still in his hand.
Earl Amyotte (D): Windsor, Ont.
‘Earl the Pearl’ was a lifelong member of Campaign Life, serving as its Windsor, Ont., president. He was an avid supporter of Show the Truth and an uncompromising critic of the various faith communities for not speaking the fundamental truths about abortion. He was also elected leader of the Pro-Life Party of Canada which dissolved when the Christian Heritage Party was formed. He often chided people who were fair-weather pro-lifers: “the meet, eat and retreat crowd” or the “wine, dine and recline” crowd.
Father Jan Appelman (D) MHM: Holland, Uganda, and Kingston, Ont.
Father Jan was born in Holland and joined the Mill Hill Missionaries in 1955. He served the people in Uganda. He and Father Colleton loved to share stories of their work in Africa. Like Father Colleton he was a devoted pro-lifer. When Father Appelman would join the pro-life picket line in Kingston, dressed in his priestly attire, as he always was, they never had to turn to see him approach because the pro-aborts, who were counter-picketing, would hiss. He attended every event possible in Kingston and the March for Life in Ottawa. He returned to Holland after his service in Canada and he would write letters to CLC with his remarkable penmanship and an occasional word in Hebrew, the study of which was his hobby.
Edna and Ambrose Atkins: Ottawa, Ont.
If you look closely, you will see them at every pro-life event. Ambrose, from P.E.I., is co-chair of the National March for Life in Ottawa. With Edna’s constant support, he facilitates CLC information meetings and if you are patient with him, he’ll tell you a story of Big Ambrose, Little Ambrose and Ambrose under the bridge in P.E.I.
Marilyn and Ron Bergeron: Cornwall, Ont.
Ron and Marilyn Bergeron of Cornwall are longtime supporters and activists within the movement. Marilyn is a past president of the now defunct national umbrella group for all educational pro-life groups, Alliance for Life Canada.
Catherine Bolger (D): Toronto, Ont.
Catherine was an early advocate of Natural Family Planning. She and her husband Frank and brother-in-law Father John Bolger were 1980s activists, who attended every conference and workshop where she would give up-to-date information, on the real family planning.
Joseph P. Borowski (D): Winnipeg, Man.:
Saskatchewan born Joe Borowski was a champion for the unborn. He resigned as a cabinet minister in the Manitoba NDP Government of Premier Ed Schreyer over the abortion issue. He went on an 80 day hunger strike, was jailed on a number of occasions for his actions, trying to prevent Henry Morgentaler from opening abortuaries in Winnipeg and across Canada, spoke at rallies and conferences, picketed everywhere and started a lawsuit, which was ruled moot by the Supreme Court of Canada, due to the earlier Morgentaler decision on January 28, 1988. Read Lianne Laurence’s biography of Joe Borowski available from Campaign Life Coalition.
Father Ian Boyd C.S.B.: Saskatoon, Sask., New Jersey
Father Ian Boyd C.S.B., a Professor of English at St. Thomas More College in Saskatoon, Sask, travelled to Winnipeg for an Alliance for Life Canada Conference where he chaired the meeting where Campaign Life was formed on May 25, 1978. He subsequently drafted the first questionnaire for Campaign Life featuring two questions, one of which was supporting legislation to end abortion and the other an incremental step to stop funding of Planned Parenthood.
Mary, Rita (D), Helen (D) Burnie: Toronto, Ont.
The Burnie sisters, Mary, Rita and Helen, three single women of Irish Catholic faith have been outspoken defenders of life and faith for over 40 years. Regular picketers at Toronto abortuaries, they have been outstanding letter writers, donors and supporters. One day I was called by the Archdiocese of Toronto asking me to tell the Burnie woman to cease sending letters, purporting to be three separate people. “But,” I replied, “they are three separate people and they’re just as determined as one another to stop the killing of children before birth.” A fourth sister, Ruth, a medical doctor seemed to be just as determined as her siblings.
Rev. Ken Campbell (D): Toronto, Ont., AB
Rev. Ken Campbell, a Baptist Minister, was mainly responsible for encouraging evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, to publicly denounce abortion as an evil. Rev. Ken established, with Joanne Dieleman, the Way Inn, beside the abortuary of Henry Morgentaler. He was one of the Committee of 17 led by Rev. Ron Marr, that opposed the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, organized rallies, spoke at the first National March For Life, was jailed with Father Ted Colleton, wrote numerous articles, placed ads in the newspapers and wrote a book entitled, “Five Years: Rescuing at the Gates of Hell”.
Geoff Cauchi: Toronto, Ont.
Geoff has been a longtime board member of CLC Ontario. He has worked with many school boards to offer guidance and advice on issues related to child protection. Geoff has also served as president of Alliance for Life Ontario, the umbrella organization for the pro-life educational groups. Whenever legal advice was needed, Geoff was the one who quickly responded.
John Carpay: Calgary, AB
Calgary lawyer, John Carpay, founder of Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, is a former candidate for the Wildrose Party of Alberta. John has been prominent in defending pro-lifers in various court cases and actions by pro-lifers on University campuses. He is an outspoken advocate for and defender of the right to free speech.
Richmond (Dick) Cochrane: India, Toronto, Ont.
Dick Cochrane, one of 18 named pro-lifers hit with a civil law suit in 1993 by the Bob Rae NDP Ontario government for interfering with an abortionist’s ‘right’ to earn a living by killing children before birth, agreed to take the reins of Aid to Women, establishing a pregnancy care centre for women who were seeking an alternative to abortion. “Bunny” as he was known to his relatives and close friends was an air force pilot for both the Indian and then Pakistan air forces. Following that career, he set out as a cabaret singer in New York, Chicago and other big cities. Dick served as a separate school trustee for a time with his pal, Interim columnist Frank Kennedy. He joined the pro-life movement and Campaign Life Coalition as an accountant in the mid 80s, He, and his wife Dolly, who died shortly after the court case was announced, were outstanding pro-lifers.
Father Ted Colleton C.S.Sp. (D): Ireland, Kenya, and Toronto, Ont.
For over 30 years, Irish Spiritan Father Ted Colleton, was a missionary in Kenya, until its president, Jomo Kenyatta had him forcibly expelled for defending missionaries against outrageous charges by the president. During the next 30 plus years, Father Ted did his missionary work in Canada, fighting the killing of children before birth. He was a faithful priest, homilist, retreat director, writer, Interim Columnist and key founder of Business for Life. He, and others were jailed for their pro-life activities. His humour forced others to stop and listen to his positive message.
Clayton and Rosemary Connell: Burnt River, Ont.
Rosemary is a member of the Lynch family of Lindsay, Ont. Her mother was an activist. I met her once on the street of Toronto with a group of students she had brought to learn about life and family issues. As a member of CLC Ontario, Rosemary brought the Show the Truth concept from the U.S. and formed Show the Truth here in Canada. She quickly organized other pro-lifers to do street activism, showing abortion victim imagery, where people are confronted by the reality of the killing. Her brother is Father Tom Lynch of Priests for Life Canada.
Philip and Mary Cooper: Ottawa, Ont.
Philip and Mary Cooper were involved in all aspects of pro-life from the early 60s. It was Philip Cooper and Frank Foley who tipped us off to the government intentions to bring in a gag law, which would severely restrict our ability to affect an election campaign or government legislation. We passed the information on to Colin Brown, Executive Director of the National Citizens Coalition who agreed to fight this in court. The law was later passed.
Angela Costigan: Toronto, Ont.
Angela was another one of those lawyers who was prepared to defend pro-lifers at the drop of a hat. She worked closely with Gwen Landolt on a number of cases and issues. One night I picked up Angela around midnight and we drove to a hospital where a young man was being held after he threatened harm to anyone, who would kill the unborn child his girlfriend had conceived. After gaining access and having him sign some legal documents, we drove to his parent’s home and woke them up at 3 a.m. and had them sign papers. We stopped at a coffee shop around 6 a.m. and then after Angela changed, drove her to the courthouse, attempting to prevent an abortionist from killing the child. Sadly, the child was killed anyway.
Dr. Deniss Culver (D): Kitchener, Ont.
Dr. Culver was a pain specialist who worked diligently to prove that most pain could be managed and there was no need for euthanasia. The first time he lost his job as an anesthetist was when he was prepping a patient for a procedure only to find out it was an abortion, he refused to participate and was subsequently fired.
Steve and Pauline Cuneo: Cargill, Ont.
Steve is one of the co-founders of Business for Life. For over 30 years, Steve helped to organize and finance many pro-life dinners, conferences and public support for pro-life. His musical side encouraged Business for Life to invite the Lahey family entertainers from Lakefield, Ont. to help raise funds and public awareness.
Father Alphonse De Valk C.S.B.: Toronto, Ont.
Father De Valk was principal of St. Joseph’s University College in Edmonton. For over 20 years he worked in CLC’s national office in Toronto, where he was editor of The Interim newspaper, founder of Catholic Insight magazine, played a large part in founding the Family Coalition Party, the Catholic Civil Rights League and a few other groups. Father wrote, “Morality and Law in Canadian Politics,” a must read for all Canadian pro-lifers. Pro-life activist and painter William Kurelek painted Father’s image as part of the mural in the St. Thomas More College Chapel in Saskatoon.
Dr. Barrie De Veber: London, Ont.
One of the original leaders of the now defunct Alliance for Life Canada, he was president at the time of the presentation to the Prime Minister of the one million signatures against abortion. Barrie appeared in numerous court cases throughout the U.S. regarding the RH factor. He was a founder of the Trillium Camp for families of children with cancer. He was the first president and founder of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.
Anna Desilets: Winnipeg, Man.
Anna was executive director of Alliance for Life Canada and was the first Canadian representative on the board of the International Right to Life Federation. When fax machines first came along, CLC bought one for its Toronto office and one for Anna in Winnipeg and one for Sue Hierlihy in Ottawa, so that the educational and political branches of the Canadian pro-life movement could work more closely together.
John (D) and Mary (D) Devlin: Stratford, Ont.
John and Mary were involved in pro-life work for over 40 years with Stratford Right to Life and Campaign Life Coalition Ontario. John was a teacher and a school trustee who also organized protests, Life Chain and other public manifestations, while cajoling politicians and candidates for not recognizing the rights of the unborn. On the lighter side, at a pro-life dinner in Stratford, he thought it disrespectful if he didn’t personally sample all eight varieties of the supporters’ homemade pies. During a speech about proper nutritional practice, he revealed that growing up in his large family, breakfast in the country consisted of home-made bread fried in bacon fat, washed down with a cup of maple syrup.
Dan and Father Louis Di Rocco: Toronto, Markham and Westport, Ont.
Louis Di Rocco left his job as a high school teacher to join CLC where he coordinated the first Life Chain across Canada (along with his friend Father Filamon Philpott) went to the U.N. Conferences in Cairo, Copenhagen, Istanbul, and Beijing as part of CLC’s NGO team, ran for the Family Coalition Party, then became a Roman Catholic Priest in the Archdiocese of Kingston. Dan Di Rocco retired as a high school principal and joined The Interim newspaper as its circulation manager, produced monthly editions of The Interim Plus, administering the Father Ted Colleton Scholarship and coordinating efforts against sex-ed outrages.
Joanne and Deny Dieleman: Toronto, Ont.
Joanne was the Inn Keeper at the Way Inn beside a Toronto abortuary, helping countless thousands of women seeking an alternative to abortion. She and her husband Adrian, who have fostered over 200 children, are very involved in Gleaners, providing food for people in Third World Countries. She has also been a longtime member of The Interim editorial board. Deny Dieleman, Joanne’s daughter, has been a pivotal manager in CLC’s Toronto office. For over 27 years she has played the role of cornerstone of the entire CLC movement across Canada.
Paul and Clare Dodds: Toronto, Ont.
Paul was the first Campaign Life Ontario organizer. Later, after he and his wife Clare obtained their law degrees, they continued advising Campaign Life, on a variety of legal issues. Paul would claim that he had a perfect record defending pro-lifers in court: he lost every case. With everything but the truth stacked against him, Paul was a tireless defender of the rights of the unborn. Paul and Clare were both activists, too, holding a picket sign, organizing conferences, counseling, writing briefs and articles or doing whatever else was asked of them.
Marie and Dr. David Dooley (D): Oakville, Ont.
Dr. David Dooley, was a Professor of English at Toronto’s St. Michael’s College (UofT) and associate editor of Catholic Insight magazine. Catholic Insight editor, Father Alphonse de Valk said Dooley is a “great Canadian, a great educator, a great pro-lifer, and has used his professional career as a professor of English literature to enter into a much larger field-that of the defense of the unborn. He embraced a most noble cause,” said Father de Valk. “Secondly, he has done so with remarkable perseverance and patience.” He has done so with self-effacement, humour and a wonderful sense of co-operation with young and old.”
Mary Ellen and Allan Douglas: Kingston, Ont.
Born into a family of truth-seekers, Mary Ellen was a founding member of Birthright in her home town and quickly joined Campaign Life becoming not only its Kingston representative, but also its Ontario president and National Organizer. A former Catholic school trustee, she, with the constant support and help of her husband, Allan, was able to do all this, talking on the phone (which in those days had an 18 foot extension cord) while raising their five kids.
Sister Lucille Durocher (D): Ottawa, Ont.
Sister Lucille was the founder of St. Joseph’s workers for Life and Family. Initially, the head of Human Life International’s Canada Outreach, Sister Lucille did not receive permission from her order of nuns to continue her pro-life work, so she left, intent on starting her own order of nuns to fight against abortion, contraception and other life issues.
Archbishop Adam Exner: Vancouver, B.C. and Winnipeg, Man.
At a time when Campaign Life Coalition seemed to be under attack, Archbishop Exner was one of the few R.C. Bishops who was outspoken, in defense of our critical position, on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Catholic Civil Rights League named its annual award in his honour.
Paul and Sheila Formby: Vancouver B.C.
Lawyer Paul Formby of Vancouver was one of the founders of Campaign Life in 1978. Paul with Gwen Landolt and Paul Dodds were the triumvirate who, along with a heavyweight cast of dedicated pro-lifers, helped Campaign Life to successfully make its way into the political arena. His wife, Dr. Sheila Pride was involved in IVF, but stoppedand continued in other areas of her sub-specialty. Paul and Sheila continue to support CLC.
Msgr. Vincent Foy (D): Toronto, Ont.
Msgr. Foy was a Canon lawyer, to whom we sent many theological questions that the pro-life movement had to deal with. He was unabashedly supportive of the Papal document Humanae Vitae, a prophetic document on human life, which was under attack then and we expect it to happen again very soon.
Cecilia Forsythe: Saskatoon, Sask.
Cecilia was one of the outstanding leaders of Campaign Life (Canada). She and Denise Hounjet-Roth and others helped MP Tom Wappel to win majority support in Saskatchewan in his leadership bid against Jean Chretien. For a number of years she worked closely with Gwen Landolt of Real Women. She is an uncompromising leader.
Tom and Anne Fritz: Chepstow, Ont.
In the late 1980s, Tom was the founding president of Business for Life, which, over the years, helped finance pro-life activities, promoted and financed the Interim Newspaper in Southwestern Ontario. Business for Life provided the monthly dinners for the Parliamentary Pro-life Caucus in Ottawa and encouraged business leaders to develop their social consciences in life and family issues.
William Gairdner: Willowdale, Ont.
Author of “The Trouble with Canada”, among other books, is a staunch defender of our democratic rights and freedoms. He was one of the astute opponents of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms because it transferred authority from elected representatives to unelected members of the Supreme Court. “Canadians have never accepted the concept of abortion on demand.”
Brother Ernest Gauthier (D): Toronto, Ont.
A member of the Christian Brothers, at the age of 91, Brother Ernest would climb the 47 steps to the CLC office in Toronto to offer his support and his donations. He always regretted that he was too old to engage in pro-life street activism, a thought that he cherished. He nonetheless encouraged other members of his congregation to step up on the issue.
Pat (D) and Peter (D) Gerretsen: Toronto, Ont.
The Gerretsens were filmmakers, who produced many pro-life films including, “The Kidnapping of Baby John Doe,” which was shown in major theatres. Former abortionist, Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson was so impressed with them, that he wanted to collaborate with them on future projects. After Peter’s death and her stroke, Pat travelled by wheelchair to volunteer in the Toronto offices of CLC.
Linda Gibbons: Toronto, Ont.
Linda is a pro-life heroine that has served more than 10 years in jail for offering women alternatives to abortion. She walks silently in front of the Morgentaler abortuary in Toronto. In court, she refuses to speak since the unborn cannot speak. She is also named in the civil lawsuit, brought in the early 90s against 18 named pro-lifers and John and Jane Doe. After 24 years, the Ontario government of Kathleen Wynne has brought the case back.
Tanya Granic: Toronto, Ont.
Tanya Granic Allen was the first President of Campaign Life Coalition Youth, attended many U.N. conferences on behalf of CLC NGO and is currently president of P.A.F.E. (Parents as First Educators). She and her husband Jon were MCs at the National March for Life in 2016.
Stephanie Gray: Vancouver, B.C.
Stephanie was the co-founder of the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform in Calgary. She is an articulate, courageous defender of life and is currently in a new ministry, “Love Unleashes Life.” She has done hundreds of media interviews and has debated some of North America’s most notorious abortionists and promoters.
Canon Bob Greene (D): Calgary, Alb.
Canon Greene was a regular witness at Morgentaler’s Toronto abortuary. His friends, Father Ted Colleton and Rev. Ken Campbell, were jailed for pro-life activities, while he berated the police for harassing the clergy. His Anglican Church, St. Bart’s, in the centre of one of Toronto’s poorest areas, heard often of his outspoken demands for the rights of the unborn child. When Mother Teresa visited Toronto, St. Bart’s was one of her stops to visit. Canon Bob was a WWII veteran. He was a tank gunner in Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, and Holland. He lamented that those who died in service didn’t serve to protect any, so-called choice to kill unborn children.
Gilles Grondin (D): Montreal, Que.
Gilles joined CLC after a 30 year career with the External Affairs Department. He was acting Canadian Ambassador in Haiti, seconded to the U.N., where he took charge of all the French speaking African countries, and was one of our NGO representatives at the U.N. Gilles established Campagne Quebec Vie and worked with MPs, Senators and members of the Ottawa diplomatic corps. He travelled to New York to meet with Father Malachi Martin who introduced him to U.S. government document NSSM 200.
Anna Halpine: Toronto, New York City, NY
Anna was a summer intern at Campaign Life Coalition in Toronto for several years. She was encouraged to work for Jean Head of Manhattan Right to Life at the United Nations, worked for MEP Dana Scallen at the European Parliament and later founded the World Youth Alliance (WYA). She now serves as the CEO for the WYA Foundation.
Grace Hargrave: Ottawa, Ont.
She attended the first pro-life meeting in 1966 which was organized by Philip and Mary Cooper and Joan Lusignon when she heard about it on the radio. This was prior to the law changing. She organized a petition and when she presented it to an MP she was told she needed one million signatures, so she set about getting one million signatures against abortion. She and her friends counted the million signatures at Grace’s kitchen table. In the late ‘60s an abortion caravan set out from Vancouver making its way across the country advocating for making abortion legal. Grace called family and friends and the 35 rallied on Parliament Hill to meet the caravan when it arrived in Ottawa. This was the first public opposition to abortion in Ottawa. Grace was Action Life’s first executive director. She organized a rally at the Supreme Court where the court was deciding if a pregnant women could abort her baby. Because of her dedication, example and encouragement she was able to get pro-life organizations started in Winnipeg and Whitehorse. In 1977 she actively helped launch the Festival for Life in Ottawa featuring Malcolm Muggeridge, Marshal McLuhan, and Dick Gregory. Through every Action Life meeting, Grace would knit baby clothes that were sold at the organization’s fundraising bazaars. For more than 15 years, she organized a group of women to make tortierres to raise money for CLC at Christmas. She has been and continues to sell Christmas cakes, and cards for CLC at her church.
Larry Henderson (D): Mississauga, Ont.
Larry was the first news reader on CBC television. Later, after becoming editor of the Catholic Register, Larry learned a lot about the abortion issue and abandoned his previous position, ‘half a loaf is better than none’ to embrace a no compromise position. Larry spoke at conferences and attended CLC strategy meetings, where he spoke about the declining credibility of the media to report the truth.
Father Ben Herman O.M.I. (D): Lac La Ronge, Sask.
A priest in rural Saskatchewan, a true pro-life giant, Father Ben travelled to pro-life conferences in his van, where he slept at night. He instilled a love and respect for life in his parishioners and drove his van to pick up shut-ins for Church services. He was such a strong pro-life worker that he was never without his typewriter case, which carried his late-night strategy (and two bottles of Captain Morgan dark rum.)
Sue Hierlihy: Ottawa, Ont.
Sue was the Ottawa lobbyist for CLC, having been a key part of Alliance for Life Canada’s efforts in Ottawa. Her reassurance and patience developed a trust with MPs, as she attempted to educate them on life issues. She was a pivotal member of the Alliance for Life Canada’s team in the early ‘80’s who brought together Campaign Life and Coalition for Life as Campaign Life Coalition.
Lisa Hinsperger: Chepstow, Ont.
Lisa is a wife and mother who works outside the home. In her special moments she serves as secretary for Business for Life and is Canadian Chair of Most of her Fritz family, Mom, Dad, aunts and uncles are longtime pro-life activists.
Dr. Ray U and Rita U Holmes: Brampton, Ont.
Rita and Ray were faith-filled, dedicated pro-lifers who appeared in political TV commercials for Campaign Life Coalition. The affable dentist, Ray spent time in jail with Father Ted Colleton, Rev. Ken Campbell and other heroic activists, demanding protection for the unborn. If any pro-lifer doing a TV interview, showed they were in need of some dental work, Ray would lasso them and correct the problems, free of charge, of course. Their support was immeasurable. The Rose Golf Tourney organized by Business for Life each Fall, honours Ray and Rita.
The Holmes Family: Brampton, Ont., Arizona, Maryland
Patricia, Jimmy, Lorie, Kathy, Genevieve et al.
Like their parents (above), the Holmes family members have been true heroes and exemplary in their pro-life activities. With his wife Pat’s support Jimmy is currently President of Business for Life. Kathy, Lorie and Genevieve do sidewalk counselling, 40 Days for Life, Life Chain, and whatever else comes along. Lorie and Kathy now reside in the U.S with their families and are well known for their activism. They were all in Brampton for the Business for Life Golf Tournament in September.
Philip Horgan: Toronto, Ont.
Philip Horgan is President of the Catholic Civil Rights League. Like his cousin, lawyer Angela Costigan, Phil has always responded to cries for legal help from the pro-life community. He has presented briefs, crafted potential legislation, held conferences and dinners, and is a pretty talented golfer (as witnessed at the recent Business for Life Tournament).
Denise Hounjet-Roth (D) and Louis Roth: Saskatoon, Sask.
Denise, a genuine, loving and unique woman, the mother of two boys, one of whom is now a Catholic priest and her younger son is married to the daughter of another pro-life hero Heather Stilwell. Denise was a school teacher and curler (in whichever order you choose), was president of Campaign Life Coalition Saskatchewan. Every pro-life candidate for Parliament or the provincial legislature, sought her support and many were recruited to run, at their own doorsteps. Upon her death, her husband, Louis Roth, former State pro-life chair for the Knights of Columbus took the baton from her.
Joan Jackson (D): Kingston, Ont.
Joan was a vital part of CLC Kingston, working for years with Ontario president Mary Ellen Douglas. Both were key members of the local Catholic School Board. Joan could quickly decipher the salient parts of proposed legislation with a critical eye to defending the rights of parents and children. She also ran as a candidate for the Family Coalition Party in Kingston.
Bonnie and Steve Jalsevac: Toronto, Ont.
Steve joined CLC after a successful time as a franchise holder for Colour Your World. When he joined CLC he quickly assumed many tasks both political and educational. He was arrested at the Morgentaler Toronto abortuary, led a sit-in at the premier’s office, ran as a candidate for the Family Coalition Party (FCP) of Ontario, is a founding member of Business for Life and one of the main reasons, (along with John-Henry Westen) that has made such a tremendous impact on the internet and delivering the truth to the public anxious to learn the truth. On January 29, 2016, Steve and John-Henry Westen were presented with the prestigious John Cardinal O’Connor award from Legatus in Florida for their pro-life leadership.
Rev. Reynolds James (D): Kingston, Ont.
Rev. James was a Kingston pro-life activist whose enthusiasm and dedication were an inspiration to all. A Methodist Pastor, he was faithful to God and country. He never missed a pro-life event, supported the FCP, attended every March for Life by bus and offered the opening prayer on Parliament Hill 10 years ago.
Judy and Peter Johnson Family: Toronto, Ont.
Peter was a Separate School Trustee that was adamant that schools respect pro-life principles. A former principal, Peter was one who believed that history would applaud pro-life efforts, and in his retirement, he and his wife, Judy, were responsible for maintaining all CLC archives. Judy was a picketer, a sidewalk counsellor and a Mom, who worked tirelessly for an end to abortion. She is one of the 18 pro-lifers who was named in the infamous civil law suit, brought by the Bob Rae NDP Ontario government in 1994.
Jakki Jeffs: Guelph, Ont.
Jakki Jeffs has been Executive Director of Alliance for Life Ontario (AFL) working closely with many educational groups throughout the province. She and lawyer Geoff Cauchi, until recently President of AFLO, have run TV commercials, held conferences, and presented papers to the courts and government.
Ileen (D) and Frank Kennedy: Toronto, Ont.
Frank was the intrepid Interim columnist who, for many years, was a member of the Queen’s Park press gallery. A former Catholic school trustee, he devised a plan to put Aid to Women boxes in the hands of school students at Halloween, to raise much needed funds. After her retirement from Omers, Ileen worked full time as a vounteer in the office of Campaign Life Coalition.
Denise (D) Lewis Kennedy (D): Stouffville, Ont.
A sign on Lew Kennedy’s desk read, “A clean, uncluttered desk is the sign of a sick mind.” Lew was a valuable accountant and financial advisor to CLC, The Interim and everything in between. Both he and Denise were key organizers in the battle of Markam/Stouffville hospital board.
Lew’s brother Father Gordon Kennedy C.S.B. was a stalwart at the Harbord Street Toronto abortuary of Henry Morgentaler, where he counselled pro-lifers, as well as being a presence for aiding women seeking abortion.
Paul and Dorle (D) Kromer: Toronto and Kingston, Ont.
Dorle and Paul were the couple who inspired tens of thousands with their annual conference, “The Lift Jesus Higher Rally” which featured Ralph Martin, Peter Herbeck, Sister Ann Shields and others, putting focus on the spiritual core of everything we do. Everything is in God’s hands. Now, we just have to listen and do our part.
Jean (D) and William (D) Kurelek: Toronto, Ont.
The Kurelek painting ‘Canada’s Mei Lai’, the battle of Highland Creek, portrayed in graphic detail the killing of children by abortion at Scarborough Centenary hospital. It was featured in the magazine section of the Globe and Mail, several years before I joined the pro-life movement. Bill and Jean were very generous in donating some of Bill’s works to assist the struggle for justice for the unborn. The Kurelek family lived in my neighbourhood, so I would see them often. Bill was a very shy man. If he was driving by, he‘d honk his car horn, but wouldn’t look up from the steering wheel, while Jean and the kids waved and smiled. After Bill’s death in 1977, Jean became more active and served on the Board of Toronto Right to Life, while helping CLC with various projects.
Father John Lemire: Timmins, Ont.
One day a young man called the Toronto office of CLC and reported on the picket of a local politician. There is no CLC rep in this area. How old must you be to be one? How old are you? we asked. Fourteen, he replied. Strangely enough, you have to be fourteen to start one, we said. Now, Father John Lemire is the Chairman of Priests for Life Canada.
Amandio and Fernanda Lino: Toronto, Ont.
This couple who immigrated to Canada from Portugal in their mid 20s have been very supportive, especially after the opening of the Toronto Morgentaler abortuary on Harbord St. Fernanda was a regular picketer and sidewalk counsellor who spoke to abortionist Morgentaler on every opportunity. The Lino’s motto was, “if you have faith, then do your best and leave the rest up to God.”
Gwen Landolt: Richmond Hill, Ont.
Gwen Landolt is the formidable, former B.C. Lawyer, who founded Alliance for Life Canada and Toronto Right to Life. She then became one of the founding forces behind Campaign Life and continues today as the Executive Director of Real Women of Canada. It was Gwen, in Eastern Canada, that foresaw the dangers in the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution and its accompanying Charter of Rights and Freedoms and oversaw our action. Gwen is most responsible for leaving a legal paper trail for future generations of pro-lifers to follow.
Hugh and Pat Loughran: Mississauga, Ont.
Hugh and Pat have been pro-life activists for over 40 years, working with Right to Life and Campaign Life Coalition. As a teacher, Hugh brought clarity and focus into all the issues. Pat was great asset to The Interim and Catholic Insight magazine as a writer and proof writer.
Father Tom Lynch: Lindsay, Ont.
As a young man and then as a seminarian, Father Tom was very involved in the pro-life movement. He served as spiritual Director of CYPLO (Canadian Youth Pro-life Organization) and actually spoke out among his peers in the clergy. He took over Priests for Life Canada upon the sudden death of its founder, Father Jim Whelan.
Father Bernard A. MacDonald (D): Antigonish, N.S.
Father MacDonald is the first person I remember, who refused to pay taxes because part of the money was being used to fund abortion. He was part of a stalwart group from St. Francis Xavier University (St. FX) who were staunchly pro-life.
Joe and Cella (D) Maclellan: Antigonish, N.S.
Joe and Cella were organizers and supporters of all pro-life initiatives. Joe served briefly on the national Board of CLC and is a supporter of the Catholic Civil Rights league.
Rev. Ron Marr (D): Toronto, Ont. and Buffalo, NY
The founder and publisher of the Christian Enquirer, Ron was the catalyst for a wide variety of religious leaders. At the time of the repatriation of Canada’s Constitution and its accompanying Charter of Rights, Ron’s 17 person committee, wrote letters, lobbied politicians, held rallies and packed Toronto’s Massey Hall (over 3,000 people) which was picketed by anarchists, pro-aborts and others. He helped Campaign Life in its early political outreach.
Father Carl Matthews S.J. (D): Toronto, Ont.
As editor of the Catholic Register, Father Carl took a strong stand against abortion in his frequent editorials and articles. He was a willing and capable speaker on all life and family matters which wasn’t always appreciated, especially among some members of the hierarchy.
Bill (D) and Laura (D) McArthur: Toronto, Ont.
Laura, the former New Brunswick farm girl, became president of Toronto Right to Life, shortly after its founding in 1971. One of the first questions she would ask when meeting you, was “are you a compromiser?” Anyone, who would compromise the life of even one unborn child, was untrustworthy. Laura and Right to Life founder, Gwen Landolt were the two people who asked me to join Campaign Life, before it was about to hold its first Toronto meeting on October 7, 1978.
For six years, Campaign Life had its offices in the same buildings as Right to Life, where we helped to organize several Mother’s Day marches, which on one occasion, attracted over 30,000 pro-lifers to protest the opening of the Morgentaler abortuary.
After Laura’s death, Bill joined Campaign Life Coalition and worked in its offices and supported those who were offering assistance at Aid to Women, beside the Toronto abortuary.
Dan McCash: Oakville, Ont.
Together with Richard Marchak and Jim Barnes and a cast of thousands, Liberals for Life was to play a crucial role in helping to make abortion an issue for the federal Liberal government. They got behind the candidacy of Liberal MP Tom Wappel in his leadership bid against Jean Chretien.
Dan was on the verge of winning candidacy for the party in his riding when Chretien parachuted five candidates into various ridings, including Dan’s. McCash was also a regular picketer and was named in the Ontario lawsuit launched by the Bob Rae led NDP government in 1993.
Dr. Jim (D) and Claire McGettigan: Saskatoon, Sask.
Dr. Jim was the first president of Campaign Life Coalition Saskatchewan. Jim was a fearless defender of the rights of the unborn and their moms. Claire could make a heck of an Irish breakfast too.
Father Jack McGoey (D) SFM: Toronto, Ont.
A missionary to China, Father Jack wrote a book, “Nor Script, Nor Shoes.” He was a solid pro-life presence in Canada too. With the help of his friend, Jimmy Coolahan, he produced a series of books for teenagers encouraging them to respect their bodies. He was frequently invited by U.S. bishops to give talks in their dioceses.
Bernard McGraw (D): Toronto, Ont.
Was brother-in-law to Fathers Ed and Wally Platt. An avid tennis player, he often teamed up with another brother-in-law Don Platt who with Don Fontana made up part of Canada’s Davis Cup team. When Campaign Life came under fire in 1978-79, Bernard provided legal advice and expertise. When he was offered payment for his services, he shrugged off the suggestion saying, “if I charged you anything, I’d probably lose my soul.”
Sabina and Eric McLuhan: Toronto, Ont.
Toronto activists, Sabina and Eric McLuhan (son of the late media guru Marshall McLuhan) were early editors and columnists for The Interim newspaper. Sabina later became my assistant and Eric gave motivational speeches at conferences and Business for Life events. At one pro-life dinner in Brampton, a woman head chef, spoke to Sabina, which caused the latter to break into tears. It seems that several years earlier the woman had just read one of Sabina’s columns and pointed it out to her daughter. After she read the column, the daughter confessed that she had booked an abortion, but now had changed her mind. Later she gave a birth to a son.
Lia Mills: Toronto, Ont.
Lia Mills first stepped onto the stage of activism at the age of 12, when a video of her presenting a speech about abortion went viral on YouTube and she started receiving invitations to speak all across North America. Since that time, Lia has continued being a voice for the voiceless, expanding her passion for social justice to include topics like euthanasia and human trafficking. Young, fiery, and passionate, now 20-year-old Mills is an inspiration to all. Her life story proves that even the most unqualified, if they are simply willing, can make a difference in this world. She spoke at Parliament Hiil at the National March for Life.
Paul Morgan: Peterborough, Ont.
Paul, a farmer, was the local CLC rep. who organized everything from nominating and electing pro-life politicians, to hospital pickets, Life Chain and everything else pro-life. In the early days, he also accompanied the musical Lahey family of Lakefield, Ontario. He never studied music, but could play anything you requested on the piano and accordion.
Frank (D) and Margie Mountain: North Gower, Ont.
Before his death, Frank Mountain was the co-chair of the National March for Life, a position now held by his wife Margaret. From the mid 1980s, the Mountain family picketed Ottawa Civic hospital every Sunday, because it committed abortion. Due to a tragic accident one day en route, Frank was paralyzed. During his hospital stay, Mother Teresa paid him and his family a surprise visit.
The Muggeridge Family: Toronto, Ont.
You’ve undoubtedly heard of Malcolm Muggeridge, journalist, author of “Something Beautiful for God” (a biography of Mother Teresa) and his wife Kitty but two of his grandsons, Peter and Charles, worked for The Interim, Canada’s pro-life and family newspaper. Peter served as editor from 1993 to 1996 and Charles was a reporter and columnist. Their parents John Muggeridge and Anne Roche (herself a great author and writer) were all strong supporters of the pro-life movement.
Ed and Pauline Mullin: Waverley, N.S.
Ed was a CLC National Board member and travelled to conferences with Pauline, always a prayerful presence. They were also board members of CLC Nova Scotia and organized many pro-life events, pickets, and lobbies.
Jim and Karen Murawsky: Ottawa, Ont.
Karen was Ottawa’s CLC guiding light. She lobbied MPs and senators, was the first secretary of the Parliamentary Pro-life Caucus, and organized the efforts of CLC Ottawa; Jim scoured the news for abortion stories, amalgamated articles and books, delivered Christmas cakes, questioned political candidates and organized support for them
Dr. Philip Ney and Dr. Marie Peeters-Ney: Victoria, B.C
In the mountains of British Columbia, Dr. Philip Ney is teaching others to facilitate the healing of abortion through his Mount Joy College and Hope Alive training. Ney, a child and family psychiatrist and psychologist, is married to Dr. Marie Peeters-Ney, a pediatrician. Together they co-authored, “How to talk to your children about abortion.”
Michael D. O’Brien: Barry’s Bay, Ont.
Inspiring painter and writer of many books including, “Father Elijah: an Apocalypse”, Michael is able to paint word pictures to his audience, helping them to focus on his powerful message of love and forgiveness. As a Canadian board member of LifesiteNews, he brings a clear understanding of where the world is heading and what we can do to influence the outcome.
Marc Cardinal Ouellet: Quebec, Rome Italy
Outspoken pro-lifer, to the chagrin of some in the province of Quebec, Ouellet, supported by many, including Ottawa Archbishop Terry Prendergast, attempted to focus attention on the decline in the birth rate due to abortion and its future consequences. He was appointed Primate of Canada (2002 to 2010). Then, he was appointed to Rome, as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, where he recommends the appointment of bishops to the Pope.
Pere Jean Guy Ouellet (D) Drummonville, Que:
Pere Jean Guy Ouellet was a courageous Quebec priest who offered spiritual guidance to the fledgling Campagne Quebec Vie and was an outspoken advocate for the pro-life movement among his peers.
David and Ann Packer: Toronto, Niagara, Ont.
Police constable David Packer refused an order to guard Henry Morgentaler’s illegal Toronto abortuary and was reprimanded, punished and eventually was forced into retirement by the Toronto Police force. He then worked for several years for Campaign Life Coalition. His wife Anne, a regular picketer, wrote a book, “A Matter of Conscience”, detailing David’s courageous stand on principle and the law. Mother Teresa wrote him a four page letter of support.
Don and Shirley Pennell: Burlington, Ont.
Shirley and the late Betty Hamon were life and family researchers in 1970, warning of the collapse of Canadian culture and values. Don was founding member and first leader of the Family Coalition Party of Ontario.
Grace and Dr. Tony Petrasek: Etobicoke, Ont.
Grace was the first president of Real Women. She was part of Toronto Right to Life’s speaker bureau, giving talks to students about life and family issues. She wrote the book, “Silhouettes Against the Snow”, profiling the work of over two dozen pro-lifers across the country.
Archbishop Philip Pocock (D): Toronto, Ont.
In the mid 70s Archbishop Pocock withdrew Toronto’s Catholic Charities from the United Way campaign due to their decision to include Planned Parenthood as a member. The priests of his diocese were not too happy with his decision, but the laity, represented by members of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, unanimously sided with him, when he explained that Planned Parenthood was the world’s largest abortion referral agency.
Joseph Pope (D): Toronto, Ont.
The Toronto businessman was a staunch defender of life and family. He, his wife and family supported any pro-life initiatives, including the founding of LifesiteNews. Joe was a very spiritual man, who constantly reminded everyone that, like Christ, we all carry our own crosses.
Archbishop Terrence Prendergast S.J.: Ottawa, Ont.
When Archbishop Prendergast was assigned as R.C. Archbishop of Ottawa, he was faced with the formidable challenge in dealing with priests in his own diocese plus the MPs and Senators. The pro-life challenge was to get his assistance with the National March for Life. Although there were some clergy present at the early marches, it was really important to get the bishops involved in the Ottawa march and across the country. Archbishop Terry took on the challenge and with his assistance over 25 Bishops participated in the National or regional marches. The success of the Ottawa march is due, in part to his determination to have people get involved and participate.
Miss Winifride Prestwich (D): Toronto, Ont.
When Winnie retired as the principal of Havergal College in Toronto, she came as a volunteer to the Toronto office of CLC. Miss P. was a concise writer and prophet, who warned that abortion unchecked, would lead to euthanasia, assisted suicide and infanticide. Her monthly column in The Interim newspaper may still be viewed by going to The Interim archives. At the end of WWII in London England, Winnie and her sister Alice decided to find the source of the zesty spring water, that they collected daily, which poured out of the side of a hill. Upon climbing to the top, they found that the spring ran through the local cemetery.
Maurice and Margaret Purcell: Ireland, Australia, Sask. and Welland, Ont.
Margaret was an unbelievable force and with Maury made great contributions to the pro-life movement in Saskatchewan and Toronto, where she volunteered in the offices of CLC, writing (she was editor of Vitality), speaking and confronting politicians. Such was their dedication that Maury would drive Margaret from their home in Welland to his teaching position in Hamilton, Margaret then boarded a bus to Toronto and took the subway the rest of the way. Over two hours travel each day, each way. Avid supporters of the Christian Heritage party (CHP), they worked hard to establish an alternative to the other parties.
Peter Ryan: Fredericton, N.B.
Executive Director of N.B. Right to Life. Former Chair of Life Canada and provincial leader of CLC. Organized marches, pickets and opposition to province recognized free standing abortuaries and paying for them.
Michael and June Scandiffio: Toronto, Ont.
June and Mike attended the first Toronto meeting of Campaign Life on October 7, 1978. Mike became an Ontario Board member of CLC, while wife June followed Laura McArthur as Right to Life President of Toronto and area. She taught at St. Michael’s College School and gave many pro-life presentations in schools.
Harry (D), Mary Schadenberg and Alex Schadenberg: Woodstock, Ont.
Harry and Mary Schadenberg were leading pro-lifers in South Western, Ontario. Harry was one of the Alliance national executive members who brought together the two pro-life groups working in the Canadian pro-life political scene to form Campaign Life Coalition. Alex, one of their sons, has been executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition for many years, and an Ontario leader of Campaign Life Coalition. Alex’s wife Susan is the author of “Barrie”, a biography of Dr. Barrie de Veber.
Dr. Carm and Lynn Scime: Hamilton, Ont.
For over two decades, Carm was a board member of Campaign Life Coalition Ontario, a physician and a Deputy Coroner in Hamilton, and part of a medical team advising the pro-life movement for many years. Carm was also a regular picketer at Henderson General Hospital in Hamilton. Lynn was a President of Real Women and President of the Family Coalition Party of Ontario.
Prof. Al Selinger (D): Toronto, Ont.
An original supporter of Campaign Life, Dr. Selinger, who taught at OISE, was a member of Liberals for Life and a member of Toronto Right to Life. He was a fierce advocate of no compromise, lobbied political hopefuls and continued to hold their feet to the fire after elected.
Dr. John and Janet Shea: Toronto, Ont.
When the debate focused on the use of embryonic stem cells in Canada, it was Dr. Shea who accepted the invitation to be point man, as CLC held conference calls with MPs, across the country to help educate them on the use of adult stem cells as the only ethical and most likely to be successful. No matter what technical or medical issue was presented to him, he became the dependable voice of reason.
Dr. Andrew and Joan Simone: Toronto, Ont.
Operating as Canadian Food for Children, the Simones were instrumental in helping Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity with food and medical supplies. Dr. Simone arranged with CLC to have Mother Teresa meet in Ottawa, with one of the owners of the suppliers of medicines, which he donated to the poor in India.
Samantha Singson: New York City, NY
Samantha Singson was the co-ordinator of Campaign Life Coalition Youth. She attended many United Nations meetings representing CLC in its role as an NGO. She later worked for C-Fam in New York, monitoring groups at the U.N. and represented the Holy See at another conference. Her Mom, Yoli is an events co-ordinator at CLC Toronto.
The Sisters of Life, Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate (SOLI), Servants of the Cross, Queenship of Mary: Toronto, Cambridge, Ottawa
The SOLI Sisters, Sisters of Life and others who counsel women with unplanned pregnancies, before and after birth, and provide guidance and support to those suffering the after effects of abortion. The Sisters of Life and Queenship of Mary assisted with the National March for Life.
Niel (D) and Maria Slykerman: Winnipeg, Man.
As a fellow pallbearer at the funeral of Joe Borowski, Niel asked who would take over CLC Manitoba and was recruited on the spot. Upon his death, his wife Maria, assisted by her daughter Carol, accepted the mantle and continued Niel’s work, encouraging pro-lifers to run for public office and helping them get elected.
Dr. Margaret Somerville: Montreal, Que, Australia
For many decades, Margaret has been an outspoken defender of human rights. She was a law professor at Montreal’s McGill University, and as an expert and law professor she appeared before many government committees on life and family issues. She is now professor of bioethics at the University of Notre Dame in Australia.
Walter and Angelina Steenstra: Oshawa, Ont.
Angelina is the Canadian president of Silent No More Awareness campaign, composed of men and women, who have been personally hurt by abortion. She has worked for years with Father Vince Heffernan at Second Chance Ministry, counselling women in their grief and helping to guide women and girls to positive alternatives to their unplanned pregnancies. Walter, her husband, a retired firefighter, accompanies her as a faithful companion as she gives her testimony.
Bill (D) and Heather (D) Stilwell: Surrey, B.C.
Both were heavily involved in the CHP, serving as executive members, after Heather left CLC as its Western Canada organizer and retiring president of Alliance for Life Canada. She immersed herself in B.C. politics and became a fierce advocate of parents and children’ rights in education.
Kathy Toth: Abbotsford, B.C.
Kathy was the first president of Campaign Life. From Edmonton, Alberta she pulled together Canadian pro-lifers from every province and territory to form the nucleus of the organization that represented pro-life groups in the political arena. She gave presentations, presented before parliament and was steadfast in her determination to elect pro-lifers to Parliament and the provincial legislatures.
Father Michael J. Troy C.S.Sp. (D): Edmonton, Alb.
A confrere of Father Ted Colleton’s and an outspoken defender of life, arrived in Canada in 1958 and after founding Toronto’s Neil McNeil High School, where he served as principal, travelled to Alberta, where he became an icon. The Alberta legislature held a lunch reception for his relatives from Ireland, travelling to his funeral. As State Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus, he challenged his brother knights to fight for justice for the unborn.
Father Tony Van Hee S.J.: Ottawa, Ont.
One Jesuit priest said to me about Father Tony, praying and fasting on Parliament Hill, for an end to abortion, “I hope he doesn’t get carried away with it.” Well, he did get carried away, by police and security, after then MP Svend Robinson complained about him. On many occasions, the late New Brunswick MP Elsie Wayne, co-chair of the Parliamentary Pro-life caucus would say to me, “Mr. Hughes, I’m not Roman Catholic, but that little priest is someone the whole country should admire.”
Ita Venner U: Ajax, Ont.
Once as a nurse, Ita had witnessed the scourge of abortion. Having led nine other nurses in uniform to protest on Parliament Hill against abortion, she returned home and placed a regular ad in her local newspaper using her home phone number. She would receive hundreds of calls enquiring about abortion and only God knows, how many Ita turned away from having an abortionist kill the child.
Cissy Von Dehn: Vancouver B.C.
Cissy has fought against abortion for over 40 years. The former registered nurse who founded Gianna House, which featured a sign that read, “Every Woman’s Help Centre” a centre for pro-life activism. This, in part, led to the B.C. Bubble zone legislation, an attempt to even curtail prayer in the vicinity of the local abortuary.
Frank and Jane Wagner and Mary Wagner: Victoria, B.C. and Toronto, Ont.
In the 80s Frank was a board member of Campaign Life (Canada). Frank, a teacher, and Jane have been faithful supporters of life and family and have exhaustively attempted to educate everyone on the reality of abortion.
Daughter Mary Wagner, has been arrested on many occasions for attempting to offer an alternative to abortion by presenting a fresh red rose to women seeking abortions. This young woman of faith and Linda Gibbons, another woman of faith are genuine heroines to the unborn and the entire pro-life movement.
Dr. Rob L. Walley: St. John’s, Nfld.
Dr. Walley, of St. John’s Newfoundland, has worked to establish fistula clinics in West Africa since 1981 From 1989- 1996, he directed a maternal health and obstetrical fistula project in Nigeria. In 1995 he initiated MaterCare International to breathe life back into maternal health care. Despite enormous opposition from the politically correct establishment, he has successfully provided relief and a promise of a new life to thousands of African women.
Helen Walsh: Bedford, N.S.
Helen Walsh walked 3,650 km across Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, Quebec and Ontario from May to September 1988 to bring to light the injustice against the unborn.
Therese Weiler: Cargill, Ont.
From April 1992 to August 1993, supported by members of Business for Life and the local Knights of Columbus, who provided a motor home, she walked over 7,000 km from Newfoundland to B.C. She subsequently wrote a book entitled, “Fire Under Foot” to describe her effort.
Diane and John-Henry Westen: Barry’s Bay, Ont.
John-Henry Westen of Barry’s Bay Ontario is the managing editor of LifesiteNews which had its origins in the Toronto offices of Campaign Life Coalition. His Father, the late Henry Westen, brought him into our offices in 1979, a young boy in shorts and a propeller hat of his head. After 20 years, LifesiteNews is the most trusted source of life and family news to its millions of viewers. John-Henry has given talks around the world while his wife Diane keeps the home fires burning and an eye on their 8 children.
Herm and Rose Wills: Saulnier, N.S.
Former President of CLC Nova Scotia and National Board member, Herm organized many conferences, picket and lobbies.